Using WebSphere Extended Deployment V6.0 To Build an On Demand Production Environment

Book description

This IBM Redbooks publication gives a broad understanding of IBM WebSphere Extended Deployment V6.0 , explaining the functions and features while helping you to design and create a solution for your own environment. The following techniques are explained in this book:

- Using WebSphere Extended Deployment dynamic operations.
- Distributing workload with the On Demand Router.
- Using visualization options to display information about the environment.
- Using WebSphere Partitioning Facility to achieve high-performance.
- Using ObjectGrid in IBM WebSphere Extended Deployment V6.0 .
- Adding non-WebSphere Extended Deployment servers to your topology.
- Configuring a highly available Deployment Manager.
- Using repository checkpoint/restore to save and restore your configurations.
- Using Application Edition Manager to install and support application versions.

This book also provides step-by-step instructions for implementing a sample, multiple-machine environment. We use this environment to illustrate most of the IBM WebSphere Extended Deployment V6.0 features.

Please note that the additional material referenced in the text is not available from IBM.

Table of contents

  1. Figures
  2. Tables
  3. Examples
  4. Notices
    1. Trademarks
  5. Preface
    1. The team that wrote this redbook
    2. Become a published author
    3. Comments welcome
  6. Part 1: Introduction
  7. Chapter 1: WebSphere Extended Deployment introduction
    1. 1.1: About IBM WebSphere Extended Deployment V6.0
    2. 1.2: An adaptable IT infrastructure
    3. 1.3: Dynamic operations
      1. Resource sharing
      2. Operational policy
      3. The On Demand Router component
      4. Autonomic managers
      5. Application Edition Manager
    4. 1.4: Extended manageability
      1. View your infrastructure runtime status
      2. Monitoring your environment
    5. 1.5: High performance computing
      1. The partitioning facility
      2. ObjectGrid
      3. Session management
      4. Transactional changes
      5. Business grid
    6. 1.6: Scale-out topologies
      1. QOS extensions outside of WebSphere
      2. Scale-out administration
    7. 1.7: Integration with other IBM software
      1. Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator/Tivoli Provisioning Manager
      2. Enterprise Workload Manager
      3. Other online resources
    8. 1.8: For more information
  8. Chapter 2: Redbook sample topology
    1. 2.1: WebSphere Extended Deployment topology terminology
      1. Server types
      2. Node types
      3. Deployment targets
    2. 2.2: The sample topology
    3. 2.3: Hardware and software
      1. Hardware
      2. Software
    4. 2.4: Installation and configuration
      1. Installation and configuration summary
      2. Installing IBM WebSphere Network Deployment V6.0.2.1
      3. Creating the Deployment Manager profile
      4. Creating custom profiles for application server and ODR nodes
      5. Verifying the WebSphere Network Deployment installation
      6. Installing IBM WebSphere Extended Deployment V6.0
      7. Verifying the WebSphere Extended Deployment environment
      8. Creating On Demand Routers in the topology
      9. Installing IBM HTTP Server V6.0.2.1
      10. Installing WebSphere Web server plug-ins V6.0.2.1
      11. Creating unmanaged nodes for the Web servers and Apache Geronimo servers
      12. Creating and configuring Web servers in the cell
      13. Installing and configuring the Load Balancer
      14. Installing WebSphere Extended Deployment for Mixed Server Environments
      15. Setting up the Apache Geronimo environment
      16. Creating a generic server cluster in the cell
    5. 2.5: Redbook scenarios and configurations
    6. 2.6: Applications
      1. Trade 6.0.1
      2. DayTrader
      3. DBChecking
    7. 2.7: Related information
  9. Part 2: Dynamic operations
  10. Chapter 3: Setting up WebSphere Extended Deployment for dynamic operations
    1. 3.1: Planning for dynamic operations
      1. References
    2. 3.2: Planning and configuring node groups
      1. Creating a node group
      2. Deleting a node group
      3. Setting a node into maintenance mode
    3. 3.3: Planning and configuring dynamic clusters
      1. Creating a server template
      2. Creating a dynamic cluster
      3. Setting the operating mode
      4. Changing a dynamic cluster
      5. Deleting a dynamic cluster
      6. Migrating a static cluster to a dynamic cluster
      7. Lazy application start
      8. Vertical stacking
  11. Chapter 4: Service policies, work classes, and routing policies
    1. 4.1: Service policies
      1. Service goal types
      2. Importance
      3. Creating service policies
      4. Managing service policies with scripting
      5. Transaction classes
    2. 4.2: Work classes
      1. Creating a work class for a service policy
      2. Assigning a transaction class to a work class
      3. Work class request classification rules
      4. Managing work classes with scripting
    3. 4.3: Routing policies
      1. Creating a work class and routing rule for a routing policy
    4. 4.4: Verifying service policies and routing policies
  12. Chapter 5: On Demand Router
    1. 5.1: Introduction
    2. 5.2: On demand router architecture overview
    3. 5.3: Configuration
      1. Choosing the topology
      2. ODR clustering
      3. Multi-cell environment
      4. On demand router creation
      5. Changing the configuration of On Demand Routers
      6. Proxy plug-in generation
      7. Caching in the ODR
      8. Configuration of custom error pages
      9. Logging and tracing ODRs
      10. Deleting an On Demand Router
    4. 5.4: Autonomic request flow manager
      1. Configuring the ARFM
    5. 5.5: Application placement controller
      1. Configuring the application placement controller
      2. Configuring the APC runtime configuration with scripting
      3. Configuring the APC configuration with scripting
      4. Logging and tracing the application placement controller
    6. 5.6: Dynamic Wordkload Mananager
  13. Part 3: Extended manageability
  14. Chapter 6: Visualization
    1. 6.1: Introduction to visualization
    2. 6.2: Runtime topology
      1. The node group perspective
      2. The application perspective
      3. The service policy perspective
    3. 6.3: Runtime charting (1/2)
    4. 6.3: Runtime charting (2/2)
    5. 6.4: Visualization data service
    6. 6.5: Runtime map
      1. Search facility
    7. 6.6: Runtime tasks
    8. 6.7: Event notification
    9. 6.8: Usage examples
  15. Chapter 7: Health monitoring
    1. 7.1: Introduction to health management
      1. Health policies
    2. 7.2: Guided activities
    3. 7.3: The health controller
      1. Configuring the health controller using scripting
      2. Locating the health controller
    4. 7.4: Defining health policies
      1. Age-based condition
      2. Excessive request timeout condition
      3. Excessive response time condition
      4. Memory condition: excessive memory usage
      5. Memory condition: memory leak
      6. Storm drain condition
      7. Workload condition
      8. Default health policies (new in V6.0.1)
    5. 7.5: Managing health policies with scripting
    6. 7.6: Monitoring runtime tasks
      1. Configuring e-mail notification for tasks
    7. 7.7: Health monitoring tips
    8. 7.8: References
  16. Part 4: High performance computing
  17. Chapter 8: WebSphere Partitioning Facility
    1. 8.1: Introduction to WebSphere partitioning facility
      1. Partitioning patterns
    2. 8.2: Partitioning
      1. J2EE application partitioning
      2. Database partitioning
      3. HTTP partitioning
      4. Partition life cycle
      5. Partition alias
      6. Partition grouping
    3. 8.3: Usage scenarios
      1. Executing WebSphere Partitioning Facility operations (1/2)
      2. Executing WebSphere Partitioning Facility operations (2/2)
    4. 8.4: Partitioning facility management
      1. HAManager
      2. HAManager quorum attribute
      3. Highly available partitions
      4. Partition scope
      5. Partition layout strategies
      6. Managing policies
      7. Management script (wpfadmin) (1/2)
      8. Management script (wpfadmin) (2/2)
      9. Performance monitoring
    5. 8.5: WPF programming
      1. Partition stateless session bean (PSSB)
      2. Partition routable session bean (PRSB)
      3. Facade interface for a partitioned stateless session bean
      4. PSSB local interfaces
      5. Partition router object (_PartitionKey class)
      6. Partition names
    6. 8.6: Designing your environment for partitioning facility
      1. Scalability considerations
      2. Partition design
      3. Policies design
      4. Cluster member memory usage for active partitions
      5. Defining more than one core group coordinator
      6. Configuring preferred servers for core group coordinators
      7. Asychronous delivery using Async Bean
      8. Application hosting on nodes and cluster members
      9. Working with partitions
      10. Mixing application types
      11. Option A CMPs
      12. Lazy EJB startup
    7. 8.7: Problem resolution
      1. Core group coordinator JVM trace files
      2. Core group runtime view
      3. wpfadmin management script
      4. Tracing
  18. Chapter 9: ObjectGrid
    1. 9.1: Introduction to ObjectGrid
      1. Preparing your environment for ObjectGrid
      2. ObjectGrid basic concepts
      3. Using the ObjectGrid
      4. Configuring ObjectGrid
      5. Comparison with WebSphere Application Server Dynamic Cache Service
    2. 9.2: ObjectGrid features
      1. Transaction support
      2. Security
      3. Object eviction
      4. Keyword based object invalidation
      5. Loaders
      6. LogElement and LogSequence
      7. Locking strategies
      8. Copy modes
      9. Performance Monitoring Infrastructure interface
    3. 9.3: ObjectGrid advanced features
      1. Transaction Callback plugin
      2. Optimistic Callback
      3. Event listeners
      4. Distributed Transaction Propagation
      5. ObjectTransformer
    4. 9.4: ObjectGrid topologies
      1. Basic multiple independent cache topology
      2. Multiple independent cache topology with JMS listeners
      3. Multiple independent cache topology with JMS and transaction listeners
    5. 9.5: New ObjectGrid features in WebSphere Extended Deployment V6.0.1
      1. Clustering, replication, partitioning
      2. Systems management (JMX)
      3. Security updates
      4. Indexing
      5. Dynamic proxy
      6. Persistence Manager Adapter
      7. HTTP session replication using servlet filter
    6. 9.6: ObjectGrid usage scenarios
      1. Scenario 1: CMP customer requires advanced caching (V6.0.1)
      2. Scenario 2: WebSphere application requiring advanced caching
      3. Scenario 3: J2SE application requiring advanced caching
      4. Scenario 4: Providing HTTP session failover for Web applications (V6.0.1)
      5. Scenario 5: Applications using WebSphere Partition Facility in WebSphere Extended Deployment (V6.0.1)
      6. Scenario 6: Applications using third-party object relational mappers
      7. Scenario 7: An object integration tier
  19. Chapter 10: ObjectGrid and WebSphere Partitioning Facility
    1. 10.1: DBChecking scenario
      1. Setting up the environment for the DBChecking application (1/2)
      2. Setting up the environment for the DBChecking application (2/2)
      3. DBChecking application design (1/2)
      4. DBChecking application design (2/2)
      5. Using the DBChecking application (1/2)
      6. Using the DBChecking application (2/2)
  20. Part 5: Scale-out functions
  21. Chapter 11: Routing requests to non-WebSphere Extended Deployment servers
    1. 11.1: Introduction to the mixed server environment
      1. Generic server clusters
      2. Service policies
      3. The remote agent and dynamic workload management (DWLM)
    2. 11.2: Scenario topology
      1. WebSphere Extended Deployment environment
      2. Application used in the redbook scenario
      3. Starting and testing the servers and application
      4. Starting the remote agent on the scale-out servers
    3. 11.3: Configuring the scale-out environment
      1. Creating a generic server cluster
      2. Configuring the ODR for the generic server cluster (1/2)
      3. Configuring the ODR for the generic server cluster (2/2)
      4. Operational policies
    4. 11.4: Observing the results in the runtime topology
    5. 11.5: Debugging the remote agent
    6. 11.6: References
  22. Chapter 12: Scale-out administration
    1. 12.1: High availability Deployment Manager
      1. Configuring the HA Deployment Manager (1/2)
      2. Configuring the HA Deployment Manager (2/2)
      3. Verifying the HA Deployment Manager configuration
      4. Accessing the HA Deployment Manager Administrative Console
      5. Creating a new cell with an HA Deployment Manager
      6. Converting an existing cell to an HA Deployment Manager configuration
      7. Removing an HA Deployment Manager from a cell
    2. 12.2: Repository checkpoint/restore function
      1. Configuring checkpoints
      2. Taking a full checkpoint
      3. Restoring repository checkpoints
  23. Part 6: Application administration
  24. Chapter 13: Application Edition Manager
    1. 13.1: Introduction to Application Edition Manager
    2. 13.2: Application edition installation
      1. Application editions
      2. Split deployment
      3. Installing a new application edition
    3. 13.3: Application activation and rollout
      1. Simple edition activation
      2. Concurrent activation
      3. Validation mode
      4. Rollout activation
      5. Reset strategy: New in V6.0.1
      6. Recovery from failure during a rollout
      7. Application back-out
      8. Application activation and rollout with scripting: New in V6.0.1
    4. 13.4: Logging and tracing
  25. Related publications
    1. IBM Redbooks
    2. Other publications
    3. Online resources
    4. How to get IBM Redbooks
    5. Help from IBM
  26. Abbreviations and acronyms
  27. Part 7: Appendixes
  28. Appendix A: Trade 6
    1. Introduction to Trade 6.0.1
    2. Downloading and unpacking Trade 6
    3. Setting up the Trade 6 database
    4. Creating Trade 6 resources (1/2)
    5. Creating Trade 6 resources (2/2)
    6. Verifying the JDBC provider connection
    7. Installing Trade 6 using the Administrative Console
    8. Using Trade 6
  29. Appendix B: Trace-level change script
    1. The script
  30. Appendix C: Additional material
    1. Locating the Web material
    2. Using the Web material
      1. System requirements for downloading the Web material
      2. How to use the Web material
  31. Index (1/3)
  32. Index (2/3)
  33. Index (3/3)
  34. Back cover

Product information

  • Title: Using WebSphere Extended Deployment V6.0 To Build an On Demand Production Environment
  • Author(s): Birgit Roehm, Thomas Erker, Carrie Finneran, Vijay Mann, Kwan-Ming Wan, Peter Wiedeking
  • Release date: August 2006
  • Publisher(s): IBM Redbooks
  • ISBN: None