Using LEDs, LCDs and GLCDs in Microcontroller Projects

Book description

Describing the use of displays in microcontroller based projects, the author makes extensive use of real-world, tested projects. The complete details of each project are given, including the full circuit diagram and source code. The author explains how to program microcontrollers (in C language) with LED, LCD and GLCD displays; and gives a brief theory about the operation, advantages and disadvantages of each type of display.

Key features:

  • Covers topics such as: displaying text on LCDs, scrolling text on LCDs, displaying graphics on GLCDs, simple GLCD based games, environmental monitoring using GLCDs (e.g. temperature displays)

  • Uses C programming throughout the book - the basic principles of programming using C language and introductory information about PIC microcontroller architecture will also be provided

  • Includes the highly popular PIC series of microcontrollers using the medium range PIC18 family of microcontrollers in the book.

  • Provides a detailed explanation of Visual GLCD and Visual TFT with examples.

  • Companion website hosting program listings and data sheets

  • Contains the extensive use of visual aids for designing LED, LCD and GLCD displays to help readers to understand the details of programming the displays: screen-shots, tables, illustrations, and figures, as well as end of chapter exercises

Using LEDs, LCDS, and GLCDs in Microcontroller Projects is an application oriented book providing a number of design projects making it practical and accessible for electrical & electronic engineering and computer engineering senior undergraduates and postgraduates. Practising engineers designing microcontroller based devices with LED, LCD or GLCD displays will also find the book of great use.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Preface
  5. Acknowledgements
  6. Chapter 1: Introduction to Microcontrollers and Display Systems
    1. 1.1 Microcontrollers and Microprocessors
    2. 1.2 Evolution of the Microcontroller
    3. 1.3 Parts of a Microcontroller
    4. 1.4 Display Devices
    5. 1.5 Summary
    6. Exercises
  7. Chapter 2: PIC18F Microcontrollers
    1. 2.1 The PIC18F2410 Microcontroller
    2. 2.2 PIC18F2410 Architecture
    3. 2.3 Summary
    4. Exercises
  8. Chapter 3: C Programming Language
    1. 3.1 C Languages for Microcontrollers
    2. 3.2 Your First mikroC Pro for PIC Program
    3. 3.3 Functions in mikroC Pro for PIC
    4. 3.4 mikroC Pro for PIC Built-in Functions
    5. 3.5 mikroC Pro for PIC Libraries
    6. 3.6 Using the mikroC Pro for PIC Compiler
    7. 3.7 Using the mikroC Pro for PIC Simulator
    8. 3.8 Other mikroC Pro for PIC Features
    9. 3.9 Summary
    10. Exercises
  9. Chapter 4: PIC Microcontroller Development Tools – Including Display Development Tools
    1. 4.1 PIC Hardware Development Boards
    2. 4.2 PIC Microcontroller Display Development Tools
    3. 4.3 Using the In-Circuit Debugger with the EasyPIC7 Development Board
    4. 4.4 Summary
    5. Exercises
  10. Chapter 5: Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
    1. 5.1 A Typical LED
    2. 5.2 LED Colours
    3. 5.3 LED Sizes
    4. 5.4 Bi-Colour LEDs
    5. 5.5 Tri-Colour LEDs
    6. 5.6 Flashing LEDs
    7. 5.7 Other LED Shapes
    8. 5.8 7-Segment LEDs
    9. 5.9 Alphanumeric LEDs
    10. 5.10 mikroC Pro for PIC 7-Segment LED Editor
    11. 5.11 Summary
    12. Exercises
  11. Chapter 6: Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) and mikroC Pro for PIC LCD Functions
    1. 6.1 HD44780 Controller
    2. 6.2 Displaying User Defined Data
    3. 6.3 DDRAM Addresses
    4. 6.4 Display Timing and Control
    5. 6.5 LCD Initialisation
    6. 6.6 Example LCD Display Setup Program
    7. 6.7 mikroC Pro for PIC LCD Functions
    8. 6.8 Summary
    9. Exercises
  12. Chapter 7: Graphics LCD Displays (GLCD)
    1. 7.1 The 128 × 64 Pixel GLCD
    2. 7.2 Operation of the GLCD Display
    3. 7.3 mikroC Pro for PIC GLCD Library Functions
    4. 7.4 Example GLCD Display
    5. 7.5 mikroC Pro for PIC Bitmap Editor
    6. 7.6 Adding Touch-screen to GLCDs
    7. 7.7 Summary
    8. Exercises
  13. Chapter 8: Microcontroller Program Development
    1. 8.1 Using the Program Description Language and Flowcharts
    2. 8.2 Examples
    3. 8.3 Representing for Loops in Flowcharts
    4. 8.4 Summary
    5. Exercises
  14. Chapter 9: LED Based Projects
    1. 9.1 PROJECT 9.1 – Flashing LED
    2. 9.2 PROJECT 9.2 – Binary Counting Up LEDs
    3. 9.3 PROJECT 9.3 – Rotating LEDs
    4. 9.4 PROJECT 9.4 – Wheel of Lucky Day
    5. 9.5 PROJECT 9.5 – Random Flashing LEDs
    6. 9.6 PROJECT 9.6 – LED Dice
    7. 9.7 PROJECT 9.7 – Connecting more than one LED to a Port Pin
    8. 9.8 PROJECT 9.8 – Changing the Brightness of LEDs
    9. 9.9 PROJECT 9.9 – LED Candle
    10. 9.10 Summary
    11. Exercises
  15. Chapter 10: 7-Segment LED Display Based Projects
    1. 10.1 PROJECT 10.1 – Single Digit Up Counting 7-Segment LED Display
    2. 10.2 PROJECT 10.2 – Display a Number on 2-Digit 7-Segment LED Display
    3. 10.3 PROJECT 10.3 – Display Lottery Numbers on 2-Digit 7-Segment LED Display
    4. 10.4 PROJECT 10.4 – Event Counter Using 4-Digit 7-Segment LED Display
    5. 10.5 PROJECT 10.5 – External Interrupt Based Event Counter Using 4-Digit 7-Segment LED Display with Serial Driver
    6. 10.6 Summary
    7. Exercises
  16. Chapter 11: Text Based LCD Projects
    1. 11.1 PROJECT 11.1 – Displaying Text on LCD
    2. 11.2 PROJECT 11.2 – Moving Text on LCD
    3. 11.3 PROJECT 11.3 – Counting with the LCD
    4. 11.4 PROJECT 11.4 – Creating Custom Fonts on the LCD
    5. 11.5 PROJECT 11.5 – LCD Dice
    6. 11.6 PROJECT 11.6 – Digital Voltmeter
    7. 11.7 PROJECT 11.7 – Temperature and Pressure Display
    8. 11.8 PROJECT 11.8 – The High/Low Game
    9. 11.9 Summary
    10. Exercises
  17. Chapter 12: Graphics LCD Projects
    1. 12.1 PROJECT 12.1 – Creating and Displaying a Bitmap Image
    2. 12.2 PROJECT 12.2 – Moving Ball Animation
    3. 12.3 PROJECT 12.3 – GLCD Dice
    4. 12.4 PROJECT 12.4 – GLCD X-Y Plotting
    5. 12.5 PROJECT 12.5 – Plotting Temperature Variation on the GLCD
    6. 12.6 PROJECT 12.6 – Temperature and Relative Humidity Measurement
    7. 12.7 Operation of the SHT11
    8. 12.8 Acknowledgement
    9. 12.9 Summary
    10. Exercises
  18. Chapter 13: Touch Screen Graphics LCD Projects
    1. 13.1 PROJECT 13.1 – Touch Screen LED ON-OFF
    2. 13.2 PROJECT 13.2 – LED Flashing with Variable Rate
    3. 13.3 Summary
    4. Exercises
  19. Chapter 14: Using the Visual GLCD Software in GLCD Projects
    1. 14.1 PROJECT 14.1 – Toggle LED
    2. 14.2 PROJECT 14.2 – Toggle more than One LED
    3. 14.3 PROJECT 14.3 – Mini Electronic Organ
    4. 14.4 PROJECT 14.4 – Using the SmartGLCD
    5. 14.5 PROJECT 14.5 – Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter using the SmartGLCD
    6. 14.6 Summary
    7. Exercises
  20. Chapter 15: Using the Visual TFT Software in Graphics Projects
    1. 15.1 PROJECT 15.1 – Countdown Timer
    2. 15.2 PROJECT 15.2 – Electronic Book
    3. 15.3 PROJECT 15.3 – Picture Show
    4. 15.4 Summary
    5. Exercises
  21. Bibliography
  22. Index

Product information

  • Title: Using LEDs, LCDs and GLCDs in Microcontroller Projects
  • Author(s): Dogan Ibrahim
  • Release date: November 2012
  • Publisher(s): Wiley
  • ISBN: 9781119940708