2.1 Relationship between Per Capita GDP and the GDI
2.2 GDI Education Sub-Index (female-to-male ratio)
2.3 GDI Health Sub-Index (female-to-male ratio)
2.4 Maternal Mortality Ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births)
2.5 Labor Force Participation Rate, Ages 15–64 (female-to-male ratio)
2.6 Labor Force Participation Rate, Ages 15–64 (percent)
2.7 Mean Monthly Earnings of Employees (female-to-male ratio)
2.8 Seats Held by Women in National Parliaments (percent of total)
2.9 GDI Time-Consistent Version (index ranges from 0 to 1)
4.1 Stages of the Budget Process
4.2 How to Incorporate Gender Budgeting into the Expenditure Side of a Standard Government Budget
4.3 Entry Points for Including Gender Equality Interventions in the Budget ...