CHAPTER 07GETTING THE SYSTEM RIGHT: Implementing four elements of a winning system


It’s an ambitious goal: to radically reshape our organizations with a singular, unwavering orientation to the user experience—in order to keep competitors at bay and drive business growth. So how do we begin?

We start with a system that we at UXReactor call the bv.d system. It stems from the lessons I’ve learned in working with and observing some of the largest design groups and organizations in Silicon Valley. As I studied the variations between successful and unsuccessful teams, I discovered that the difference came down to four key variables. Successful teams embraced all four traits, and unsuccessful ones were weak in at least one of them.


The bv.d System

Business value by design (bv.d) consists of four key factors that can make or break the intended outcome of becoming an experientially transformed organization:

  • The right mindsets;
  • The right process;
  • The right people;
  • The right environment.

Groundbreaking results happen when you have a group of effective and collaborative people following a rigorous process and working in a nurturing environment, all aligned on a shared set of mindsets.

Each attribute multiplies and builds upon the other, generating exponential business value. The opposite ...

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