
Adventure mode, 13

Alex, 17

archery, 96–99

architecture, 62–63, 68–71

automatic farming, 45, 57

axes, 26

Ayoob, Joe, 65

backpacks, 16

banners, 46–49

bedrock, 17


Bryce (Mesa), 48–49

Chunk Base Biome Finder, 129

definition, 17, 48

Island, 128

Jungle, 52, 53

Mushroom Island, 128

Swampland, 128, 129

blocks. See also redstone.

breaking, 15

hardness levels, 26

inventory, 16

placing, 15

blogging, 21, 109

boat racing, 104–107

bone meal, 57, 129

Butterfly Lovers, The, 86, 87

Capture the Flag game, 71

castles, 68–71

characters, 78–81

chests, crafting, 27

city planning, 114–117

Clarke, Adam “Wizard Keen,” 18, 88, 89, 120, 129

command blocks, 103, 121


features, 14

screencasting, 20

screenshots, 20


archery, 98

keyboard controls, ...

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