
Selected Readings

The following books may be helpful either when you’re starting out, or when you’re ready to go on to more advanced topics.

▪   Introductory UNIX Texts   ▪

Kochan, Steven G. and Patrick H. Wood. Exploring the UNIX System, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ: Hayden Book Co., 1984. A comprehensive introduction to the UNIX system. (371 pp.)

Todino, Grace. Learning the UNIX Operating System, Newton, MA: O’Reilly and Associates, Inc., Nutshell Handbooks, 1985. A brief introduction to essential UNIX skills, designed to be read and mastered in one or two sessions. (73 pp.)

▪   Advanced Topics   ▪

Kernighan, Brian and Rob Pike. The UNIX Programming Environment, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1984. The best introduction to the practical philosophy of UNIX programming. (240 pp.)

Kochan Steven G. and Patrick H. Wood. UNIX Shell Programming, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ: Hayden Book Co., 1985. A comprehensive and readable discussion of shell programming. (422 pp.)

Talbott, Steve. Managing Projects with Make, Newton, MA: O’Reilly and Associates Inc., Nutshell Handbooks, 1985. A concise but thorough description of the UNIX make utility. (63 pp.)

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