File and Record Locking
If multiple processes are writing to a file at the same time, the result is non deterministic. Within the UNIX kernel, only one write to the same file may proceed at any given time. However, if multiple processes are writing to the file, the order in which they run can differ depending on many different factors. Obviously this is highly undesirable and results in a need to lock files at an application level, whether the whole file or specific sections of a file. Sections of a file are also called records, hence file and record locking.
There are numerous uses for file locking. However, looking at database file access gives an excellent example of the types of locks that applications require. For example, it is important that all users wishing to view database records are able to do so simultaneously. When updating records it is imperative that while one record is being updated, other users are still able to access other records. Finally it is imperative that records are updated in a time-ordered manner.
There are two types of locks that can be used to coordinate access to files, namely mandatory and advisory locks. With advisory locking, it is possible for cooperating processes to safely access a file in a controlled manner. Mandatory locking is somewhat of a hack and will be described later. The majority of this section will concentrate on advisory locking, sometimes called record locking.
Advisory Locking
There are three functions which can be used for ...
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