Thanks to Jennifer Griffith-Delgado, Alison Law, and everyone at No Starch Press for their support and help with this book. Their understanding and patience as my productivity slowed to a crawl during my extended illness is something I will never forget.

I’m grateful for the watchful eye of Juriy Zaytsev as technical editor and to Dr. Axel Rauschmayer for his feedback and several conversations that helped to clarify some of the concepts discussed in this book.

Thanks to everyone who submitted fixes to the version of this book that is hosted on GitHub: 404, alexyans, Ahmad Ali, Raj Anand, Arjunkumar, Pahlevi Fikri Auliya, Mohsen Azimi, Peter Bakondy, Sarbbottam Bandyopadhyay, blacktail, Philip Borisov, Nick Bottomley, Ethan Brown, ...

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