Large, complex organizations have existed for many centuries, but within the past two centuries they have proliferated tremendously. This chapter reviews major developments in the research and theory about organizations and management. This book's analysis of public organizations begins with this chapter's review that illustrates the generic theme mentioned in the previous chapter. Major contributors to this field have usually treated organizations and management as generally similar in all contexts, with little distinction between the public and private sectors. This generic emphasis has great value, and this book draws upon it. Later chapters present evidence supporting the claim that public organizations are distinct. Leaders and analysts need to be aware of the historical developments summarized in this chapter. The review covers terms, ideas, and names that serve as part of the vocabulary of management. Leaders in organizations often refer to Theory X and Theory Y, span of control, and other concepts that the review covers.
Theoretical perspectives on how to organize and manage have strongly influenced, and have been influenced by, the way managers and organizations behave. Some of the general trends involve profoundly important beliefs about the nature of human motivation and of successful organizations. The review shows that management theory and practice have evolved over the past two centuries. ...
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