Chapter 13. Real-World Examples

As you know from “A Brief History of Trino”, development of Trino started at Facebook. Ever since it was made open source in 2013, its use has picked up and spread widely across a large variety of industries and companies.

In this chapter, you’ll see a few key numbers and characteristics that will give you a better idea about the potential for your own use of Trino. Keep in mind that all these companies started with a smaller cluster and learned on the go. Of course, many smaller and larger companies are using Trino. The data you find here should just give you a glimpse of how your Trino use can grow.

Many data platforms and other systems also embed Trino. These platforms don’t even necessarily reveal that Trino is under the hood. And these platforms do not typically expose user numbers, architecture, and other characteristics.


The cited numbers and stats in this chapter are all based on publicly available information. The book repository contains links to sources such as blog posts, presentations from conferences, slide decks, and videos (see “Book Repository”). As you read this book, the data may have become outdated or inaccurate. However, growing use of Trino and the general content gives you a good understanding of what is possible with Trino and how other users successfully deploy, run, and use it.

You should also check the Trino website, including the user testimonials and blog posts, for further information. Events like ...

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