Part I

Power Transformers

Marceli Kaźmierski and Janusz Turowski


The history of power transformers is part of the history of all phenomena and devices based on electromagnetic induction. An important step forward was the moment, when the transformer production has entered on the energy industry market.

It all started in 1883 with one of the first implementations to the transmission line a single-phase 15 kVA, 1500/300 V transformer, by K. Zipernowski, M. Deri, O. Blathy (Ganz, Budapest) and others.

The first real industrial three-phase 15 kVA, 1500/300 V power transformer was built and patented in 1891 by Michal Doliwo-Dobrowolski, was Polish descent, born in Petersburg (Russia) and worked at in AEG Berlin. The history of contemporary ...

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