Transformers: The Definitive Guide

Book description

The vast potential of AI technology remains untapped in areas like audio, video, and complex data analysis. In fact, many of today's professionals find it challenging to apply AI innovations across these diverse domains due to a lack of comprehensive guidance and practical implementations.

This comprehensive guide, tailored especially for intermediate to advanced ML engineers, data scientists, and researchers, fills the gap. Author Nicole Koenigstein guides readers through the versatile applications of transformer models, not only deepening theoretical understanding but also emphasizing actionable strategies for real-world applications.

You'll discover how to:

  • Apply transformers in nontext domains like image and music generation
  • Optimize GPU usage and model training times
  • Deploy and monitor transformer models effectively in production environments
  • Utilize libraries such as Ray Tune and Optuna for advanced model tuning

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Product information

  • Title: Transformers: The Definitive Guide
  • Author(s): Nicole Koenigstein
  • Release date: July 2025
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9781098167011