Appendix IRotation Formula Around an Axis

Consider that A is a right‐handed inertia coordinate system with unit orthogonal bases i, j and k, and B is a right‐handed body‐fixed coordinate system with unit orthogonal bases i1, j1 and k1. a1-i0001 is any vector fixed in A and a1-i0002 is a vector fixed in B and equal to a1-i0003 prior to the motion of B in A. a1-i0004 is a unit vector whose orientation relative to both A and B remains unaltered throughout the motion, and the radian measure θ is the angle when B rotates relative to A. Let a1-i0005 and a1-i0006 , as shown in Figure AI.1.


Figure AI.1 A inertia system rotating angle θ around a1-i0007 .

The plane π 1 contains point E and is perpendicular to vector , and point O 1 is the intersection ...

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