
Chapter one: Financial WMDs – derivatives demagoguery

1 ‘What Worries Warren’ (3 March 2003) Fortune.

2 Quoted in David James ‘Wot’s all this then, Alan?’ (10–16 July 2003) BRW.

3 Remarks at the Futures Industry Association, Boca Raton, Florida (19 March 1999).

Chapter two: Beautiful lies – the ‘sell’ side

1 Quoted in Frank Partnoy (2004) Infectious Greed; Owl Books, New York, p. 55.

2 Sun Tzu (translated by Thomas Cleary) (1988) The Art of War; Shambala, Boston & London.

3 Ponzi schemes are a type of illegal pyramid scheme. They are named after Charles Ponzi, who duped thousands of New England residents into investing in a speculative scheme in the 1920s. The basic scheme offers high returns to investors and relies on using money ...

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