tmux Taster

Book description

tmux Taster is your short, concise volume to learn about tmux, the terminal multiplexer that allows you to multiplex several virtual consoles. With tmux you can access multiple separate terminal sessions inside a single terminal window or remote terminal session, and do so much more.

Through the seven to-the-point chapters, you'll learn the fundamentals of tmux, scripting and automation, pane and window management, pair programming, and workflow management.

Increase your productivity by using a terminal multiplexer - start with tmux Taster today.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Dedication
  5. Contents at a Glance
  6. Contents
  7. About the Author
  8. About the Technical Reviewers
  9. Acknowledgments
  10. Introduction
  11. Chapter 1: Terminal Multiplexer
    1. tmux
    2. Terminology
      1. Prefix Command
    3. Help?
      1. Command and Key Binding References
      2. Manual
      3. Message Feedback
    4. Installation and Configuration
      1. Mac
      2. Linux
      3. Windows
    5. Configuring tmux
      1. Change the Default Prefix
      2. Quick Access to Last Window
      3. Vim Style Movements
      4. Arrow Movements
      5. Simpler Pane Creation
      6. Source .tmux.conf
      7. Clear Pane History
      8. Easier Pane Management
      9. Color Correction
      10. Enable utf8
      11. Command Prompt Movements
      12. Cancel Immediately
      13. Prevent Program Window Renaming Trigger
      14. Change the Default Shell
      15. Human Numbering
      16. Increase Scroll-back
      17. Automatic Window Renumbering
      18. Change the Status Bar Appearing
    6. Summary
  12. Chapter 2: Fundamentals
    1. Sessions
      1. Creating a Session
      2. Listing Sessions
      3. Selecting a Session
      4. Renaming Sessions
      5. Closing vs. Detaching
      6. Application Bootstrap
    2. Buffers
      1. Scrolling the Buffer
      2. Navigating Copy Mode
    3. Panes
      1. Closing
      2. Navigating
      3. Resizing
      4. Balancing
    4. Windows
    5. Summary
  13. Chapter 3: Modifications
    1. Abstractions
      1. Creating New Sessions
      2. Attaching to Sessions
      3. Destroying Sessions
    2. Extending the Message Display Time
    3. Repeatable Keys
    4. Restoring Broken Commands
    5. Summary
  14. Chapter 4: Copy and Paste
    1. Copy Mode
    2. Paste Buffer
    3. Pasting Between Programs
      1. Plug-in Solution
      2. Mac OS X
      3. Linux
      4. Working from a VM
    4. Summary
  15. Chapter 5: Pane/Window Management
    1. Pane Management
      1. Moving Between Two Commonly Used Panes
      2. Full-Screen Current Pane
      3. Break a Pane Out into a Separate Window
      4. Convert a Window into a Pane (Within Another Window)
      5. Rotate Panes Within Current Window
      6. Changing Pane Layouts
      7. Synchronizing Pane Input
    2. Window Management
      1. Navigating Windows
      2. Closing Windows
      3. Finding Windows by Search Phrase
      4. Moving and Switching Windows Within the Current Session
      5. Moving Windows Between Different Sessions
      6. Sharing Windows Between Sessions
    3. Summary
  16. Chapter 6: Scripting and Automation
    1. Example 1: Automation
      1. Simple Example
      2. Advanced
    2. Example 2: Shell Commands
      1. Conditional Key Bindings
    3. Example 3: tmuxinator
    4. Restoration
      1. Attaching Processes
      2. Restoring State
    5. Summary
  17. Chapter 7: Pair Programming
    1. The Simple Route
    2. The Custom Route
      1. Vagrant Setup
      2. Share Session via Single-User Account
      3. Individual User Control
      4. Remotely Accessing a Local VM
    3. Summary
  18. Chapter 8: Workflow Management
    1. Example Repository
    2. Reptyr
    3. tmux-resurrect
      1. Installation
      2. Sample Usage
    4. Summary
  19. Index

Product information

  • Title: tmux Taster
  • Author(s): Mark McDonnell
  • Release date: December 2014
  • Publisher(s): Apress
  • ISBN: 9781484207758