
Amortization, 41

Analysis tab, 19

AND function, 117119

Annual equivalent value, 5556

As of Date, 39

AutoFill Formulas, 110111

AutoFill Sequences, 109110

AVERAGEIF function, 7577

AVERAGEIFS function, 7577

Calculation, 17

Capital expenditure (CAPEX), 40

Capital investment, 4244

Cash inflow, 40

Cash outflow, 40

Cell, 4

CELL function, 8385

Changes tab, 2224

CHOOSE function, 134136

CIT. See Corporate income tax

Color coding, 3637

Columns, 4

Comments tab, 2022

CONCATENATE function, 9799

Connections tab, 18

Control keys, 3132

Corporate income tax (CIT), 42

COUNTIF function, 7779

COUNTIFS function, 7779

Cumulative discounted net cash flow, 42

Cumulative net cash flow, 42

Currency signs or units, 37

Data evaluation

CHOOSE function, ...

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