Chapter 20
Ten Great 3D Printing Materials
Discovering ten 3D printing materials
Using 3D printing materials
In this chapter, you find out about the ten greatest 3D printing materials, as suggested by the Tinkercad team at Autodesk.
A lot of this information, including a number of figures, actually comes from the Tinkercad blog page over at
. It is a useful guide when you consider 3D printing your Tinkercad designs.
Here are the ten great materials that the guys at Tinkercad recommend.
Choosing a Material
It is often really tough to decide on what materials to use when 3D printing. You should consider numerous factors, including the
- Type of material
- Minimum thickness of the printed material
- Texture of the printed material
Cost of the material (probably the most important)
The cost also depends on whether the 3D print will be a prototype for a design, a gift, or even a product to sell. You need to consider all of the preceding factors, regardless of whether you are a business expecting to create multiple 3D prints as products, or a hobbyist just 3D printing because you can.
Choosing a material all comes down to the bottom line, and that is cost. In manufacturing, the cost of raw materials has always been the make-or-break ...
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