Chapter 12

Graphing Inequalities

In This Chapter

arrow Graphing one-variable inequalities

arrow Starting and quitting the Inequality app

arrow Entering and graphing inequalities

arrow Shading intersections and unions

arrow Storing data points

arrow Solving linear programming problems

With the Inequality app that comes preloaded on the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators, you can graph functions and inequalities of the form y f(x), y < f(x), y f(x), and y > f(x). You can even graph and shade regions formed by the union or intersection of several inequalities. You can also use this app to solve linear programming problems. If you don’t know what linear programming is, see the explanation in the linear programming section in this chapter.

Graphing One-Variable Inequalities

Sometimes, a product is used for tasks that it was not originally designed to accomplish. Play-Doh was originally meant to be a cleaner before ...

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