23. How Do I Add a Blog to My Website?
There are various ways that a blog can be added to a website. It can be either combined directly with your website to provide seamless transitioning for website visitors or it can be placed on one of the many free services available and you can redirect people to it using a navigation button on your website.
Blogger.com and Wordpress.com provide free hosting services on their own platforms for people to use. They even provide the option to purchase a personalized domain name while using their hosting.
Blog feeds can also be added to a website by placing the most recent content on a page or within a sidebar. Then, when people click on the particular article headline, they can be redirected to your blog and led straight to the desired content.
The most common way to add a blog to a website is to utilize one of the many free platforms available. Wordpress is a popular tool that can be downloaded at www.wordpress.org and added straight to your website hosting. You can also set up an account at an external service like Tumblr or Posterous, and link your website to the separated blog.
Rule of Thumb A blog installed directly within a website is usually the preferred option for websites that rely heavily on SEO.
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