1. Describe in set-theoretic notation the language of the automaton in Independently, describe set-theoretically the complement {0n 1 : n ≥ 0} and verify that your two answers are equivalent.
  2. Construct a FA M over A = {0, 1} such that L(M) = {images}
  3. Construct a FA M over A = {0, 1} such that L(M) = {0, 1}+, that is, L(M) = A* − {images}.
  4. Construct a FA that accepts L = {00, 11, 10} over A = {0, 1}.
  5. Let Σ = {0}. Which of the following languages over Σ is regular, and why?

    (a) {x : |xx| is odd}

    (b) {x : |x| is odd}

    (c) {x : |xx| is not a prime}

    (d) {x : |x| is not a prime}

    (e) {x : |x| is a perfect cube}

  6. Find a finite automaton that accepts the language over A = {0, 1} that contains precisely the strings that have no three consecutive 0s.
  7. Find a finite automaton that accepts the language over A = {0, 1} that contains precisely the strings that end in precisely three consecutive 0s.
  8. Find a finite automaton that accepts the language over A = {0, 1} that contains precisely the strings that end in at least three consecutive 0s.
  9. Design a FA over {0, 1} that accepts exactly all the strings of length 3k + 1 for some natural number k.E.g., 0, 0110, 0000 are all in. 00, 000, 01101 are not.
  10. Build a NFA that accepts precisely all the strings over {0, 1} of length ≥ 5 that ...

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