The YouTube Formula

Book description

The Wall Street Journal bestseller!

Learn the secrets to getting dramatic results on YouTube

Derral Eves has generated over 60 billion views on YouTube and helped 24 channels grow to one million subscribers from zero. In The YouTube Formula: How Anyone Can Unlock the Algorithm to Drive Views, Build an Audience, and Grow Revenue, the owner of the largest YouTube how-to channel provides the secrets to getting the results that every YouTube creator and strategist wants. Eves will reveal what readers can't get anywhere else: the inner workings of the YouTube algorithm that's responsible for determining success on the platform, and how creators can use it to their advantage.

Full of actionable advice and concrete strategies, this book teaches readers how to:

  • Launch a channel
  • Create life-changing content
  • Drive rapid view and subscriber growth
  • Build a brand and increase engagement
  • Improve searchability
  • Monetize content and audience

Replete with case studies and information from successful YouTube creators, The YouTube Formula is perfect for any creator, entrepreneur, social media strategist, and brand manager who hopes to see real commercial results from their work on the platform.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Praise for The YouTube Formula
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright
  5. Dedication
  6. Foreword
  7. Introduction
    1. Do You Know What Your Problem Is?
    2. Your Client's Success Is Your Success
    3. Uniting People around Their Passion
  8. PART I: The Platform
    1. 1 Try, Fail, Analyze, Adjust: A YouTube History Lesson
    2. 2 The YouTube Ecosystem
      1. Beware of Copyright
      2. Ad Revenue Sharing
      3. An Evolving, Thriving System
    3. 3 The YouTube AI: A Deep Learning Machine
      1. The AI Evolution
      2. Diving Deep into the Deep Learning Machine
      3. A Machine at Work … and It's Working
    4. 4 The Algorithm Breakdown
      1. Part 1: Gathering and Using Data
      2. Part 2: Algorithms with an “S”
      3. It's Not YouTube's Fault
  9. PART II: The Opportunity
    1. 5 Why Most YouTube Channels Fail to Succeed
      1. Become a Student of the Data
      2. The Comparison and Copycat Traps
      3. Course Correction and Consistency
      4. Getting the Right Feedback
      5. The Wrong Content
      6. YouTube Superstitions
      7. Burnout
      8. Focus
    2. 6 Make Money Partnering with YouTube
      1. Joining the Partner Program
      2. The Money Logistics
      3. Additional YPP Revenue Opportunities
      4. Make Even More with Ad Revenue
      5. YPP AdSense Is Just the Beginning
    3. 7 Use Your Influence to Generate Big Money
      1. Why Not You?
      2. Merchandising
      3. Brand Integrations and Influencer Marketing
      4. Business Ownership
      5. Limitless Opportunities
    4. 8 The Real Power of Your Influence: Making a Difference
      1. Planting a Forest of Influence
      2. Raising Money and Awareness
    5. 9 How Businesses Extend Their Reach and Drive Revenue
      1. Demand = Opportunity
      2. Think Bigger
      3. Break into Big Brands
      4. Optimize with Split Testing
      5. Take Smart Risks
      6. Think Evergreen
      7. Be Your Own Influencer
      8. Embrace the Digital World
      9. Apply Omnichannel Attribution
      10. Use Paid Acquisition
      11. Learn Strategies and Use Them
  10. PART III: The YouTube Formula
    1. 10 The Data‐Driven, Human‐Centered Formula
      1. YouTube Sixth Sense
      2. Know Your Goal, Know Your Why
      3. Become Aligned with YouTube's Goal
      4. Traffic and Momentum: Decoding the Viewer
      5. Action Exercise
    2. 11 Identify Your Audience
      1. Don't Make Videos for Yourself
      2. Find the Sweet Spot
      3. Not All Channels Are Created Equal
      4. The AI Needs to Know Your Audience, Too
      5. But … How Do I Learn about My Audience?
      6. Action Exercise
    3. 12 Recon and Research
      1. Reconnaissance
      2. Research
      3. The Ultimate Unicorn: Jesus
      4. Action Exercise
    4. 13 Content Is King
      1. Ads with Impact
      2. What Is Content, Exactly?
      3. Pattern of Narration: Storytelling
      4. Making Your Content Pop
      5. Authenticity and Emotional Connection
      6. Content for Sales
      7. It Works Across the Board
      8. Make a Lasting Impact
      9. Action Exercise
    5. 14 Feedback Is Queen
      1. Human Feedback
      2. Data Feedback
      3. Human + Data Feedback: A Winning Combo
      4. Action Exercise
    6. 15 Title and Thumbnail: Success Starts with a Click
      1. Grabbing Attention Visually: The Science
      2. Thumbnail Strategies
      3. Video Titles
      4. Downloadable Tools for Title Generation
      5. Action Exercise
    7. 16 Engaging Viewers' Attention So They Watch More
      1. Respect Your Viewer's Commitment
      2. Engagement and Disengagement Triggers
      3. How to Read the Metrics
      4. Average Views per Viewer
      5. The 50% Rule
      6. The 30% Rule
      7. Maintain the Value Proposition
      8. Message First
      9. Pattern Interrupts
      10. Mastering Engagement
      11. Action Exercise
    8. 17 Creating a YouTube Content Strategy
      1. Part One: Strategize for Your Audience
      2. Part Two: Strategize to Leverage the Algorithm
      3. Action Exercise
    9. 18 Building a Community around Your Content
      1. Creation Story
      2. Creed
      3. Icons
      4. Rituals
      5. Sacred Words/Lexicon
      6. Nonbelievers
      7. Leader
      8. Distribution
      9. The Ninth Fundamental
      10. The People Are the Brand
      11. Action Exercise
    10. 19 Optimizing, Launching, and Promoting Your Video
      1. How to Upload a Video
      2. How to Optimize a Video
      3. How to Launch Content
      4. How to Promote a Video
      5. Promote Organically First
      6. Paid Strategies to Grow an Audience
      7. Paid Strategies to Sell
      8. Action Exercise
    11. 20 Tweaking Your Content
      1. Real‐Time Tweaks versus Long‐Term Tweaks
      2. How to Determine Your Baselines
      3. What to Do with Your Real‐Time Baselines
      4. Have Backup Plans Ready
      5. What to Do with Your Long‐Term Baselines
      6. Split Testing
      7. Small Tweaks
      8. Just Do It
      9. Action Exercise
    12. 21 Try, Fail, Analyze, Adjust: Your YouTube Success
  11. Appendix: Free YouTube Formula Bonus Companion Course
  12. About the Author
  13. This Is Not Your Normal Acknowledgement
  14. Index
  15. End User License Agreement

Product information

  • Title: The YouTube Formula
  • Author(s): Derral Eves
  • Release date: February 2021
  • Publisher(s): Wiley
  • ISBN: 9781119716020