
Chapter 1

1. Parsons and Smelser (1956).

Chapter 2

1. Flavell (1976).

Chapter 3

1. Hill, Brandeau, Truelove, and Lineback (2014).

2. Pólya (1945).

3. Dorst (2011).

4. Asquith, Dorst, and Kaldor (2013).

Chapter 4

1. Burrell (2018).

2. Meister and Willyerd (2020).

3. World Economic Forum (2020).

4. Sutton and Barto (2014).

Chapter 5

1. Kahneman and Tversky (1979).

2. Schacter (2012).

3. Nisbett and Wilson (1977).

4. Mendez and Fras (2011).

5. Kringelbach’s references are numerous; see

6. Clancy (1989).

7. Geary (2011).

8. LaRocque (2000).

Chapter 6

1. For example, Lee (1998).

Chapter 7

1. Gerds, Strottmann, and Jayaprakash (2010); Deloitte (2015).

2. Nash (1950).

Chapter 8

1. O’Hara ...

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