CHAPTER 9Define Your Identity as a Human Leader: Two Ways to Build a Truer Version of Yourself

As the child listens to the magician's voice—the voice of his future self—the fog starts clearing. The child sees all the details on the magician's face now: the warmth in his eyes and the smile on his face. Feeling the peace in the magician's heart, the child's own heart grows bigger and stronger. The sun now shines on the path of roses, which are bright red and yellow. A light breeze blows, and the child can smell each flower. What a magnificent spectacle! Then the magician's face becomes smoother, and his white hair darkens. His face grows younger, until the child sees an exact image of himself, calling out to him. The moment he stops struggling against the vines around his feet, they fall off. Light as a feather and with the gentle spring breeze at his back, the child floats forward, keeping his gaze on what awaits him on the other side.

* * *

Let's take a few seconds to look at the road you've just traveled. You've identified what mindtrap has been holding you back and standing in your way of becoming a more human leader and where it comes from. You've shifted it out of the way, first by understanding that mindtraps are only stories our brain created and then by taking a look at yourself from a different perspective. You then challenged your mindtrap through a series of simple but critical questions: Is it true, relevant, or helpful today? You've also decided to let go despite ...

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