The Ultimate Guide to Python Programming With Python 3.10

Video description

Python is a fantastic object-oriented programming language that lets you use functional and OOP paradigms. Python offers several benefits compared to other programming languages such as Java, C++, or R. It is a dynamic language, with high-level datatypes. Python is easy to learn for beginners, being more readable and intuitive.

With this course, you will learn about computer architecture, programming concepts, and what terminals are. You will install and set up Python on your computer and learn about hands-on programming with Python basics, client-info application, and console IO. You will code with data types, loops, functions, classes and objects, and modules and packages. Finally, you will learn about strings, stack and data structures, pip - python package manager, virtual environments, iterables, File IO, threading and multiprocessing, and debugging.

Upon completion, you can easily handle any programming project and use core Python features. Create different array data structures, lists, tuples, sets, typed arrays, stacks, queues, and priority queues. Use structural pattern matching with match-case statements in Python 3.10 and third-party packages and create virtual environments for projects.

What You Will Learn

  • Implement basic data structures and basic programming with Python
  • Create array structures such as a list, tuple, set, stack, and queue
  • Learn object-oriented programming with Python classes and objects
  • Use structural pattern matching with case statement in Python 3.10
  • Use Python REPL to write code from the terminal and test ideas
  • Create virtual environments for projects with third-party packages


This course is beneficial for those with some skills in Python or if you are looking to refresh your skills and advance to the next level. Even if you can use a computer, that’s completely fine as the course will train you to become a professional in coding. Complete newbies who want to learn to program or even beginner Python developers seeking expertise in Python programming can ace Python with this course. The course does not have any special requirements except turning the computer on and watching and learning from the course phase-by-phase.

About The Author

Rahul Mula: Rahul Mula is a developer specializing in Python, Flutter, and web development. He was really intrigued the first time he learned about programming and realized what could be done with it. He loves to explore different technologies and create applications to build something new. He has developed Keyviz—the free and open-source tool to visualize keystrokes in real-time. He has written books and created courses on Python programming teaching thousands of students.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Introduction
    1. Curriculum Overview
    2. How to Program
  2. Chapter 2 : Generic Programming
    1. Computers and Data
    2. Programming Language
    3. Terminal
    4. Navigation
    5. Terminal Exercise
    6. File Operations
    7. Internet
    8. Community
  3. Chapter 3 : Programming with Python
    1. Python Setup
    2. Python Basics
    3. Python Datatypes
    4. Console IO
    5. if Statements
    6. def-Keyword
  4. Chapter 4 : The Container - Variables
    1. The Global Object and Built-in Functions
  5. Chapter 5 : Strings
    1. The str Data Type
    2. String Operations
    3. String Methods
  6. Chapter 6 : Numbers
    1. Numerical Datatypes
    2. Numerical Operations
  7. Chapter 7 : Booleans
    1. True or False Values
  8. Chapter 8 : Lists
    1. List
    2. List Operations
  9. Chapter 9 : Tuples
    1. Immutable list - Tuple
  10. Chapter 10 : Sets
    1. Unordered Lists - set
    2. Set Operations
  11. Chapter 11 : Dictionary
    1. The dict Data Type
    2. Dictionary Operations
  12. Chapter 12 : Decision Control
    1. elif Statements
    2. Comparison Operators
    3. Joining Conditions Using AND Keyword
    4. Joining Conditions Using OR Keyword
    5. Conditional Operators
    6. Ternary Operators
  13. Chapter 13 : Match Case Statements
    1. Using Python Match Case Statements and Match Default Case
  14. Chapter 14 : While Loops
    1. while Statements
    2. fire() rounds Argument
    3. The BREAK Keyword
    4. The CONTINUE Keyword
  15. Chapter 15 : For Loops
    1. Iterating over Sequence Data Types
  16. Chapter 16 : Functions
    1. Upgrading Our print()
    2. Optional Arguments or Parameters
    3. Keyword Arguments
    4. Arbitrary Positional Arguments - *args
    5. print()'s Arguments
    6. log(padding) Argument
    7. Arbitrary Keyword Arguments
    8. The RETURN Keyword
    9. Lambda Functions
  17. Chapter 17 : Classes
    1. Classes and Objects
    2. Object Attributes
    3. Methods or Object Functions
  18. Chapter 18 : Classes
    1. Classes and Objects
    2. Object Attributes
  19. Chapter 19 : Error Handling
    1. Handling Errors with try and except Statements
    2. Custom Error Classes
  20. Chapter 20 : Modules and Packages
    1. Reusing Code with Modules
    2. Organizing Modules into Packages
  21. Chapter 21 : Project: Prankster
    1. Prankster Program
    2. Rigging-up The Prankster
  22. Chapter 22 : VS Code
    1. VS Code Settings and Themes
  23. Chapter 23 : Revisiting Strings
    1. Use of Slashes in Strings
    2. Percent String Substitution
    3. string.format() Method
    4. Formatted Strings or f String
    5. String Format Specifiers
    6. Text Alignment Format Specifier
  24. Chapter 24 : Arrays
    1. Empty and One-Element Arrays
    2. Slicing with Steps
    3. .sort(key) - Sorting Arrays of Class Objects
    4. The Array Data Type
    5. Stack Data Structure
    6. Queue Data Structure
    7. Collections Module
  25. Chapter 25 : Revisiting Dictionary
    1. Dictionaries or Hash-Tables
    2. MappingProxyType
    3. SimpleNamespace
    4. namedtuple Class
    5. .items() Method
  26. Chapter 26 : Iterators and Generators
    1. List Comprehension
    2. if Statements in List Comprehension
    3. Set and Dictionary Comprehensions
    4. Generators
    5. Chaining Generators
    6. enumerate() Function
    7. zip() Function
    8. zip_longest() Function
    9. all() Function
    10. any() function
  27. Chapter 27 : Iterators and Generators
    1. Itertools Module
    2. Cycle ()
    3. repeat ()
    4. Combinations ()
    5. Permutations ()
    6. product()
    7. combinations_with_replacement()
    8. Chain()
    9. islice()
    10. compress()
    11. filter()
    12. filterfalse()
    13. accumulate()
    14. groupby()
  28. Chapter 28 : High-Level Ops
    1. is Operator
    2. Shallow and Deep Copies
    3. Tuple Unpacking
    4. Dictionary Unpacking
    5. Tuple Packing
    6. Arguments Unpacking
    7. Packing or Unpacking
    8. Walrus := Operator
    9. Pipe | Operator
    10. Variable Scope
    11. Python REPL
  29. Chapter 29 : Structural Pattern Matching
    1. Pipe Operator in Case Statements
    2. Pattern Matching
    3. Pipe Operator in Patterns
    4. if Statements in Case Statements
    5. Packing Operator in Case Statements
    6. Match Dictionary
    7. Match Object
  30. Chapter 30 : Functional Programming
    1. Function Attributes
    2. Recursive Functions
    3. Decorator Function
    4. Creating Decorator Functions
    5. functools.partial()
    6. @wraps Decorator
  31. Chapter 31 : Modules
    1. Module Attributes
    2. __main__ module
    3. pip - Package Installer for Python
    4. venv - Virtual Environments
  32. Chapter 32 : Modules
    1. Hinting Datatypes
    2. Type Hint Function Arguments and Return Type
  33. Chapter 33 : Object-Oriented Programming
    1. object()
    2. Naming Conventions
    3. Class Variables and Instance Variables
    4. __new__() Method
    5. Singleton
    6. Operator Overloading
    7. Iterable Classes
    8. Casting Type
    9. Class __repr__
    10. getattr() and setattr()
    11. getattr() Use Case
    12. __getitem__() and __setitem__()
    13. @property decorator
    14. Property Setter and Deleter
    15. Class __slots__
    16. @dataclass Decorator
    17. Python Enums
    18. Sentinels
    19. @classmethod Decorator
    20. @staticmethod Decorator
  34. Chapter 34 : Metaclass
    1. Type of a Class
    2. Creating Class with type()
    3. Metaclass
    4. ABCMeta
  35. Chapter 35 : File IO
    1. open() File
    2. Reading File
    3. Writing File
  36. Chapter 36 : Data Preservation
    1. State of Data
    2. JSON Data
    3. JSON as a String
  37. Chapter 37 : Debugging
    1. Bare Except Statements
    2. Custom Exception ExitPhonebook()
    3. assert Statements
    4. logging Module
  38. Chapter 38 : Threading and Multiprocessing
    1. What Is Threading and Multiprocessing?
    2. Threading Module
    3. Thread with Arguments
    4. ThreadPoolExecutor
    5. Multiprocessing
    6. ProcessPoolExecutor
  39. Chapter 39 : Tkinter
    1. tkinter Module
    2. Label and Button Widgets
    3. Grid Layout
    4. Entry Widget
    5. .grid(columnspan) Argument
    6. OptionMenu Widget
    7. ttk - Themed Widgets
  40. Chapter 40 : Project Sedentary Alert
    1. Introduction
    2. Project Setup
    3. Interface: Root Window
    4. Interface: Checkbutton
    5. Interface: Dropdown
    6. Loading JSON Data
    7. Updating JSON Data
    8. Notification (For Windows)
    9. Notification (For Mac)
    10. Sending Alerts
    11. Threading
    12. Application Executable

Product information

  • Title: The Ultimate Guide to Python Programming With Python 3.10
  • Author(s): Rahul Mula
  • Release date: October 2022
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781804612767