About Those Training Programs
During my amateur day-trading years, I was finishing my education at San Diego State. I left, both relieved and exhausted, in possession of a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Marketing. Right next to my collection of textbooks from school, I was building a personal library on day trading. When asked what I wanted for my birthday or Christmas, I requested more titles on the subject.
During that time I also attended several day-trading training seminars.
Everywhere I went, I sought day-trading knowledge. The subject soon came up with anyone I talked to.
I noticed that professional mentors were scarce. I did have a couple of contacts who worked in the stock brokerage industry. Though they themselves didn’t day trade, their advice armed and inspired me with a greater understanding of the stock market.
As I struggled past the hazardous amateur phase, I came to see that I learned the most from my actual experience in day trading, and also from those advisors. The day-trading programs and college business courses did teach me good strategies and trading styles, but it was clear that the real education was hands-on, when I performed with real money.
Now, please don’t get me wrong here. I’m not suggesting that you shouldn’t attend any training programs, courses, or seminars—especially if you’re a beginner. Amateurs need structured guidance, and that’s what such tutoring offers. I feel I must warn you, however, that consistent gains come ...