Chapter 9

Cash Flow

The following morning, Rich and Peg left the hotel for the airport while Laura slept in, since her flight wasn’t scheduled to depart until later in the afternoon. There had been some miscommunication between Laura and her parents, and Peg felt badly that they were leaving early without her, but Laura didn’t seem to be concerned.

During the cab ride to Logan International Airport, Rich struck up a conversation with the driver. Peg often accused Rich of never knowing a stranger, and once again he proved her correct. Rich had a knack for easily empathizing with those around him and was curious to learn their stories. He especially enjoyed conversing with those who had a strong work ethic.

The driver, Habib, pointed out city landmarks and other points of interest. Rich marveled once again at Boston’s rich history. He took the opportunity to ask the driver about his own background. Habib, like so many cabbies in other big cities, had fled his homeland to escape something—perhaps an oppressive regime, abject poverty, a lack of opportunity, or some combination of the three. It often amazed Rich to learn of the immigrants’ plight and their desire for a better life.

Over the years of riding to and from airports in taxis, Rich enjoyed learning about the drivers who seemed to have remarkably similar experiences. It amazed Rich how brave people like Habib would have to be to leave everything behind to seek a better life. All were here to find something better in the land ...

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