Book description
One of the most popular cameras on the market is called the "Digital Rebel," yet many photographers use it and its brethren following tired old rules from tired old photographers. This book aims to show new and intermediate photographers that they can move beyond the dogma and shoot more creatively. If you're just starting out with a camera, or are starting to think about switching away from "auto," this is the perfect book for you. Not only will you find within all the classical "rules"-useful basic knowledge that can sharpen anyone's eye for great photography-but you'll simultaneously be shown how you can push the boundaries that many teachers erroneously set, filling your memory card with exciting, different pictures every time. This book brings the aspirational photography seen by so many in books or on Flickr within reach of everyone.
Table of contents
- Cover
- Half Title
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Acknowledgments
- Dedication
- Picture credits
- Table of Contents
- 1 Introduction
2 Exposure
- The elements of an exposure
- Shooting modes
- What is a “correct” exposure?
- Understanding metering modes
- Reading a histogram
- Exposure Rule: Always get your exposure perfect
- Exposure Rule: Keep the tones even
- Break the Rule: High-key photography
- Break the Rule: Low-key photography
- Exposure Rule: Always use the lowest ISO possible
- Break the Rule: Shoot at high ISOs
3 Composition
- The rules of composition in photography
- The Rule: You must have a focal point
- Break the Rule: Embracing chaos
- The Rule: Keep the horizon straight
- Break the Rule: Wonky horizons
- The Rule: Photograph children at eye level
- Break the Rule: Climb up high; get down low
- The Rule: Use leading lines
- Break the Rule: Peaceful compositions
- The Rule: Use unusual viewpoints
- Break the Rule: Stick to the classics
- The Rule: Use natural frames
- Break the Rule: Know when to use frames
- The Rule: Always simplify your images
- Break the Rule: Capture complication
- The Rule: Give your subject space to move into
- Break the Rule: “Nearly missed you”
4 Advanced Composition Techniques
- The Rule: Use plain backgrounds
- Break the Rule: Use creative backgrounds
- The Rule: The rule of thirds
- Break the Rule: Breaking the rule of thirds
- The Rule: Don’t crop heads
- Break the Rule: Crop heads & get in close
- The Rule: Landscapes & maximized depth of field
- Break the Rule: Landscapes & shallow depth of field
- The Rule: Always get in close
- Break the Rule: Take a step back
- The Rule: Balance the elements of your composition
- Break the Rule: Creating unstable compositions
- The Rule: Keep your focal point in focus
- Break the Rule: Throw focus to the wind
- The Rule: Get your models to act natural
- Break the Rule: Go over the top
5 Photography Concepts
- The Rule: Plan your shoot
- Break the Rule: Go ad-hoc
- The Rule: Traveling for wildlife photography
- Break the Rule: Local wildlife
- The Rule: Use correct white balance
- Break the Rule: Bring on the off-white balance
- The Rule: Use blurred backgrounds
- Break the Rule: Keep everything beautifully sharp
- The Rule: Always use a tripod
- Break the Rule: Going legless
- The Rule: Keep foregrounds in focus
- Break the Rule: Playing with multi-layered images
- The Rule: Avoid camera shake
- Break the Rule: Give your camera a good rattle
- The Rule: Freezing motion with fast shutter speeds
- Break the Rule: Let it flow
- The Rule: Sharper is better
- Break the Rule: Embrace the blur
6 Lighting
- The Rule: Keep the sun behind you
- Break the Rule: Shoot into the sun
- The Rule: If it’s dark, use flash
- Break the Rule: Shooting in the dark
- The Rule: Higher contrast makes better photos
- Break the Rule: Low-contrast compositions
- The Rule: Use color to create mood
- Break the Rule: Mixed messages & muted colors
- The Rule: White balance your photos
- Break the Rule: Throwing white balance to the wind
7 The Rules of the Digital Darkroom
- The Rule: Use Adobe Photoshop
- Break the Rule: Photoshop alternatives
- The Rule: Never take back-ups
- The Rule: Always shoot in Raw
- Break the Rule: Not shooting in Raw
- The Rule: Stick to standard aspect ratios
- Break the Rule: Getting creative with aspect ratios
- The Rule: Keep saturation looking natural
- Break the Rule: Natural is for wimps—let saturation be your badge of pride
- The Rule: Converting your photos to black & white
- Break the Rule: Creatively converting your photos to black & white
- The Rule: Spot-editing your photographs
- 8 Reference
Product information
- Title: The Rules of Photography and When to Break Them
- Author(s):
- Release date: September 2013
- Publisher(s): Focal Press
- ISBN: 9781136108532
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