
I would like to give thanks to many people that have enabled progress in my career by giving me the opportunity to work for them in Honduras, the United States, and Brazil, who have mentored me, and who have helped open doors. They have taught me many lessons that shaped me:

Rebecca K.

Jeff W.

Ignacio F.

Victor G.

Per H.

Luis B.

Ricardo G.

Leo V.

Paulo M.

Tobis C.

Tony P.

Rodrigo M.

Roberto C.

Matt L.

Stephen VO.

Gerardo T.

Marcos G.

Ray L.

Quico Q.

Carlos C.

Terry A.

Patrick VdB.

Oswaldo N.

Gerry R.

Sean M.

Ilde S.

Lawrence K.

I thank my parents, family, coworkers, friends, and wife for making it a rewarding journey, my professors at the American School of Tegucigalpa, Cornell University, and Kellogg-Northwestern, ...

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