The Psychology of Consumer Behavior

Book description

After years of study in the area of consumer behavior, Mullen and Johnson bring together a broad survey of small answers to a big question: "Why do consumers do what they do?" This book provides an expansive, accessible presentation of current psychological theory and research as it illuminates fundamental issues regarding the psychology of consumer behavior. The authors hypothesize that an improved understanding of consumer behavior could be employed to more successfully influence consumers' use of products, goods, and services. At the same time, an improved understanding of consumer behavior might be used to serve as an advocate for consumers in their interactions in the marketplace.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Halftitle
  3. Title
  4. Copyright
  5. Dedication
  6. Contents
  7. Preface
  8. 1 Introduction
    1. A General Model of Consumer Behavior
    2. Other Models of Consumer Behavior
    3. Operationalization, Research, and Loca-Cola
  9. 2 Perception
    1. Measurement of Awareness
    2. Characteristics of the Stimulus Situation: “Perception by Exception”
    3. Characteristics of the Human Perception Process: Gestalt Principles
    4. Effects of the Other Internal Processes on Perception
    5. Subliminal Perception
    6. Conclusion: If a Tree Falls in the Forest, and No One Is There to Hear It…
  10. 3 Cognition and Memory
    1. Measurement of Retention
    2. Situational Determinants of Memory
    3. The Measurement of Belief
    4. Price
    5. Effects of the Other Internal Processes on Cognition and Memory
    6. Conclusion: Do You See What I See?
  11. 4 Cognition and Persuasion
    1. Content
    2. Form
    3. Cognitive Theories of Persuasion
    4. Conclusion: A Rose By Any Other Name
  12. 5 Learning
    1. Classical Conditioning
    2. Instrumental Conditioning
    3. Associational Learning: The Integration of Classical Conditioning and Instrumental Conditioning
    4. Effects of the Other Internal Processes on Learning
    5. Conclusion: ‘Cents Off’ or ‘Sense Off’
  13. 6 Emotion
    1. Measurement of Feeling
    2. Determinants of Emotional Responses Toward Products
    3. Effects of the Other Internal Processes on Emotion
    4. Conclusion: A Question of Ethics
  14. 7 Motivation
    1. Measurement of Needs
    2. Appealing to Motives
    3. Creating Motives
    4. Effects of the Other Internal Processes on Motivation
    5. Conclusion: A Transition
  15. 8 Intention and Behavior
    1. Intention and Behavior as Consequents of the Internal Processes
    2. Behavior as a Consequent of Intention
    3. An Integration: The Theory of Reasoned Action
    4. Psychographics
    5. Conclusion: Actions Speak Louder Than Words
  16. 9 Behavioral Feedback and Product Life Cycle
    1. Feedback: Behavior as an Antecedent of the Internal Processes
    2. The Product Life Cycle
    3. Conclusion: Fashions
  17. 10 The Social Context
    1. Effects of the Social Context
    2. Individual Differences Relevant to the Social Context
    3. Opinion Leaders
    4. Family Member Interactions
    5. Conclusion: Who Are You Going to Listen to: The Television or Your Mother?
  18. 11 The Cultural Context
    1. Effect of the Cultural Context on Consumers
    2. Conclusion: Psychological Geography
  19. 12 Sales Interactions
    1. Characteristics of Effective Salespersons
    2. Similarity Between Salesperson and Consumer
    3. Influence Techniques
    4. Conclusion: “The Sales Edge”
  20. 13 Applications to Nonprofit Settings
    1. Religion
    2. Criminal Justice
    3. Energy Conservation
    4. Political Campaigns
    5. Conclusion
  21. Afterword
  22. Glossary
  23. References
  24. Credits
  25. Author Index
  26. Subject Index

Product information

  • Title: The Psychology of Consumer Behavior
  • Author(s): Brian Mullen, Craig Johnson
  • Release date: June 2013
  • Publisher(s): Psychology Press
  • ISBN: 9781134932894