
How good are you at cutting grass when you are cutting grass?

The BE PRIME reveals a simple way to give yourself the freedom to BE how you want to BE, independent from everything that is going on around you. This is essential if you are going to cause transformation because by their very nature, the activities required to do so cause turbulence and resistance, and can even compel people to act out against you. Outfitting yourself with the BE PRIME will enable you to play full out in any realm you choose while keeping control of your emotions and sense of being.

I discovered the BE PRIME while working with a group from the Women Presidents' Organization (WPO). This group gives women who are leading companies a place to exchange insights with their contemporaries, learn together, and support each other. This particular meeting took place at the height of the global financial meltdown in 2010. These leaders had been guiding their organizations through the crisis for several years. The challenges were beginning to take their toll.

These leaders understood the COMMITMENT versus ATTACHMENT PRIME. We were looking for a way to master the discipline required to be powerful leaders yet remain unattached to the chaos and day-to-day stresses. One of the participants helped us realize a critical element to controlling our “way of being” and not letting our circumstances control it—and ...

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