In the quest to understand the universal allure of games, this book ventures into the realm of game design, investigating its potential to make work not just tolerable but enjoyable and rewarding for all. The sad truth is that, for most people, work—where we spend the majority of our lives—has become a burdensome chore. Through a unique blend of research and riveting narratives, this book delves into the root causes of work dissatisfaction, underlining the outdated systems in place and offering insights from the world of games as a promising solution.

Did you know that the average individual indulges in games for approximately 8.5 hours per week? Despite slight cultural variations, people globally dedicate nearly a full day each week to this delightful escape of problem‐solving. Interestingly, the myriad games we enjoy seem to align with a few core categories that tap into our deepest motivations—motivations that are enduring and trace back to our childhood.

Our exploration led to a striking revelation. Unraveling the games you loved as a child could be the key to uncovering your profound motivations and identifying the most fulfilling work for you. The parallel between games and work is strong—both involve creative problem‐solving and deep concentration. Games, however, offer us control, allowing us to switch when boredom creeps in. Our attraction to games is partly due to this freedom and partly due to the clever design and alignment with our core motivations, ...

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