The Organizational Master Plan Handbook

Book description

Written for organizational leaders, planners, facilitators, and consultants, this book defines how the four different planning activities used to manage and improve an organization should be merged to maximize effectiveness. Stating that the four plans for organization improvement are the business plan, strategic business plan, strategic improvement plan, and operating plan, it defines each and explains how to link them together to reduce cost and cycle times. The text incorporates sufficient flexibility so readers can adapt and revise, based on changing business needs and marketplace opportunities.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Half Title
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Dedication
  6. Table of Contents
  7. Management Handbooks for Results
  8. Preface
  9. Acknowledgments
  10. About the Authors
  11. Other Books by H. James Harrington and Frank Voehl
  12. Chapter 1 Overview of the Problem
    1. Organizational Plans
    2. Terms
    3. Parts of the Organizational Master Plan
    4. The Organizational Alignment Cycle
    5. Policy Deployment (Hoshin Kanri)
  13. Chapter 2 What’s in an Effective Planning Process?
    1. Implementers As Planners
    2. The Customer is King
    3. How to Get Customer Requirements
      1. Focus Groups
      2. In-Depth Interviews (IDIs)
      3. Observational Interviews
      4. Projective Testing
      5. Leading-Edge Groups
      6. Surveys
    4. Understanding Your Customer’s Interface
    5. Example of Customer-Focused CEO
    6. Market Focus
    7. Organizational Master Plan Drivers
  14. Chapter 3 The Organizational Master Plan
    1. Introduction to the Organizational Master Plan
    2. Introduction to Strategic Planning
    3. The Organizational Master Plan Overview
    4. Setting Direction
    5. Defining Expectations (Measurements)
    6. Defining Actions
    7. Summary
  15. Chapter 4 Change Management as Part of the Organizational Master Plan
    1. Can the Organization Handle the Required Change?
    2. Implementation History Assessment
  16. Chapter 5 Trend Analysis
    1. Trend Outcomes
    2. Trend Implementation Challenges
      1. Major Trends Affecting the Organizational Master Planning
  17. Chapter 6 The Business Planning Process
    1. Overview
    2. Component 1: Appraising Your Current Position
    3. Component 2: A Strategic Vision is the Core of Your Business Plan
      1. Defining Strategic Vision: The Core of the Business Plan
      2. The Role of the Quality Policy and Quality System
      3. What Do I Need to Measure?
      4. Designing Your Organization’s Quality System
      5. The Business Case for Quality
      6. Managing Your Organization’s Supply Chain
    4. Component 3: Think Competitively Throughout Your Plan
      1. Market Segmentation
      2. Consumer Analysis
    5. Component 4: The Operating Plan as a Production System
    6. Component 5: A Well-Thought-Out Financial Plan
    7. Business Plan Pitfalls
    8. Business Plan Software: Pros and Cons
    9. Outline of a Typical Business Plan
  18. Chapter 7 The Strategic Business Planning Process
    1. Approach to Developing a Strategic Business Plan
      1. Activity 1: Define the Strategy Scope and Time Frames
        1. Planning Tool 1: Organizational Planning Analysis
      2. Activity 2: Define the Assumptions
      3. Activity 3: Review the Mission, Vision, and Value Statements
        1. Reviewing the Mission Statement
        2. Review the Long-Range Vision Statement
        3. Review the Value Statement
      4. Activity 4: Define the Short-Term Vision
      5. Activity 5: Define Core Competencies and Capabilities
      6. Activity 6: Risk Analysis
      7. Activity 7: Critical Success Factors
      8. Activity 8: Setting Objectives and Goals
        1. Organizational Objectives
        2. Performance Goals
      9. Activity 9: Developing Strategies
        1. Defining Actions
      10. Activity 10: Develop Tactics for Each Strategy
    2. Summary
  19. Chapter 8 Strategic Improvement Plan
    1. Introduction
    2. Strategic Business Plans Versus Strategic Improvement Plans
    3. Why do You Need a Strategic Improvement Plan?
    4. What Creates Your Organization’s Culture?
    5. Planning and the Learning Organization
    6. Developing a Strategic Improvement Plan
      1. Phase I: Assessment of the Organization
      2. Phase II: Develop Vision Statements for Each of the KBDs
      3. Phase III: Develop a Set of Performance Goals
      4. Phase IV: Defining Desired Behaviors
      5. Phase V: Preparing Three- to Five-Year Improvement Plans for Each of the Vision Statements
    7. Assessment of Today’s Personalities
    8. How do You Change an Organization’s Personality?
    9. Key Business Drivers/Controllable Factors
    10. Preparing Key Business Driver Vision Statements
      1. Key Change Area: Management Support/Leadership
      2. Organized Labor Involvement
      3. Stakeholder Involvement
      4. Preparing the Final Vision Statements
    11. Setting Performance Improvement Goals
    12. Desired Behavior and Habit Patterns
    13. Improvement Plans for Each KBD
      1. Factors Impacting the KBD Improvement Plans
      2. Difference between Planning and Problem Solving
      3. Developing Individual KBD
    14. The Strategic Improvement Plan Checklist
    15. Making the Improvement Process Work
    16. Summary of Strategic Improvement Plan
  20. Chapter 9 Developing the Strategic Plan
    1. Combining the Strategic Business Plan and the Strategic Improvement Plans
    2. Creating the Strategic Plan
    3. Summary
  21. Chapter 10 The Operating Plan
    1. Overview
    2. Prologue
    3. The Old and the New
    4. Preparing the Annual Operating Plan
      1. Activity 1: Define Annual Operating Plan Ground Rules and Assumptions
        1. Assessing Your Current Position
        2. Identification of Annual Performance Goals
        3. Attainable Goals
      2. Activity 2: Prepare Proposed Resource Request
      3. Activity 3: Present Proposed Resource Request to the Annual Operating Plan Review Committee
      4. Activity 4: Present the Resource Request and Projected Incomes to the Executive Team
      5. Activity 5: Revise the Resource Request Based upon the Executive Team Inputs
      6. Activity 6: Review and Approve the Revised Resource Request by the Executive Team
      7. Activity 7: Present the Annual Operating Plan to the Board of Directors and Get Its Approval
      8. Activity 8: Send Approved Related Parts of the Annual Operating Plan to Individual Departments
      9. Activity 9: Prepare Individual Performance Plans for the Employees
    5. How to Develop the Annual Operating Plan for a Small Organization
    6. Three Characteristics of an Effective Annual Operating Plan
    7. Rolling Operating Plan
    8. The Compromise
    9. Summary
    10. Epilogue
  22. Chapter 11 Organizational Master Plan Summary
    1. Introduction
      1. Talk
      2. Training
      3. Time
      4. Tools
      5. Teamwork
      6. Traceability
    2. Communicating the Organizational Master Plan
    3. Develop the Format, Content, and Plan Structure
    4. Implementation Issues
    5. Summing it all Up
  23. Appendix A: Definitions and Abbreviations
  24. Appendix B: Improvement Tools
  25. Appendix C: Problem Analysis Cycle
  26. Index

Product information

  • Title: The Organizational Master Plan Handbook
  • Author(s): H. James Harrington, Frank Voehl
  • Release date: February 2012
  • Publisher(s): Productivity Press
  • ISBN: 9781439878781