

3D printing, 638

A Feodo Tracker, 412


ACL, segmentation, 117

computer rooms, access control, 113

datacenters, 661662


automated NAC, 501

manual NAC, 501

profiling, 128

SOC development, 92, 128130

values, 129130

privileges, 265

RBAC, 140

accreditation policies, 331332

ACL, segmentation, 117

acoustics, facility design, 104

actionable intelligence, 378, 392

flowcharts, 414

processing data, 414

active vulnerability scanning, 8687, 515516

activity-attack graphs, 3435

activity threads, 33

actors, threat, 5

cyberterrorists, 7

hacktivists, 56

insider threats, 7

motivations of, 7

state-sponsored actors, 67

AD, segmentation, 119120

addressing risk, 172173

business contingency planning, 173

risk heat mapping, ...

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