The Manga Guide to Relativity

Book description

The Manga Guide to Relativity begins with an overview of classical Newtonian physics before delving into Einstein's greatest discoveries. You'll learn why relativity is fundamental to understanding modern physics, how the Pythagorean theorem can explain time dilation, how to understand inertial frames of reference, how motion can affect an object's mass and length, and even how gravity can bend light. The book also explores the difference between general and special relativity, the equivalence principle, and the relationship between energy and mass, among other related topics. This EduManga title is co-published with Ohmsha, Ltd. of Tokyo, Japan, and is one in a series of translations from Ohmsha's bestselling Japanese originals.

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Table of contents

  1. Copyright
  2. Preface
  3. Chapter 1. What is Relativity?
    1. 1. What is Relativity?
    2. 2. Galilean Principle of Relativity and Newtonian Mechanics
    3. 3. Mystery of the Speed of Light
    4. 4. Einstein Discarded Newtonian Mechanics
    5. What is Light?
    6. Light is Constant (And They Prove it Every Day in a Lab Called Spring-8)
    7. What's Simultaneous Depends on Whom You Ask! (Simultaneity Mismatch)
      1. Case of Newtonian Velocity Addition (Nonrelativistic Addition)
      2. Case in Which the Speed of Light is Constant (Relativistic Addition of Velocity)
    8. Galilean Principle of Relativity and Galilean Transformation
    9. Differences Between the Galilean Principle of Relativity and Einstein's Special Principle of Relativity
    10. Wait a Second—What Happens With the Addition of Velocities?
  4. Chapter 2. What Do You Mean, Time Slows Down?
    1. 1. Urashima Effect (Time Dilation)
    2. 2. Why Does Time Slow Down?
    3. 3. The Slowing of Time Mutually Affects Each Party Equally
    4. 4. Looking at the Slowing of Time Using an Equation
    5. Using the Pythagorean Theorem to Prove Time Dilation
    6. How Much Does Time Slow Down?
  5. Chapter 3. The Faster an Object Moves, the Shorter and Heavier it Becomes?
    1. 1. Does Length Contract When You Go Faster?
    2. 2. Do You Get Heavier When You Go Faster?
    3. Using an Equation to Understand Length Contraction (Lorentz Contraction)
    4. Muons With Extended Life Spans
    5. Mass When Moving
      1. Newton's Second Law of Motion
      2. Galilean Transformation
      3. Lorentz Transformation
    6. Relationship Between Energy and Mass
    7. Does Light Have Zero Mass?
  6. Chapter 4. What is General Relativity?
    1. 1. Equivalence Principle
    2. 2. Light Is Bent by Gravity
    3. 3. Time Is Slowed Down by Gravity
    4. 4. Relativity and the Universe
    5. The Slowing of Time in General Relativity
    6. The True Nature of Gravity in General Relativity
    7. Phenomena Discovered from General Relativity
      1. Bending of Light (Gravitational Lensing) Near a Large Mass (Such as the Sun)
      2. Anomalous Perihelion Precession of Mercury
      3. Black Holes
    8. Global Positioning System and Relativity
  7. Epilogue
  8. Index

Product information

  • Title: The Manga Guide to Relativity
  • Author(s): Hideo Nitta, Masafumi Yamamoto, Keita Takatsu, Ltd. Trend-Pro Co.
  • Release date: April 2011
  • Publisher(s): No Starch Press
  • ISBN: 9781593272722