Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Introduction to the Internet of Things

1.1. Introduction

1.2. History of IoT

1.3. About objects/things in the IoT

1.4. The identifier in the IoT

1.5. Enabling technologies of IoT

1.6. About the Internet in IoT

1.7. Bibliography

Chapter 2. Radio Frequency Identification Technology Overview

2.1. Introduction

2.2. Principle of RFID

2.3. Components of an RFID system

2.4. Issues

2.5. Bibliography

Chapter 3. Wireless Sensor Networks: Technology Overview

3.1. History and context

3.2. The node

3.3. Connecting nodes

3.4. Networking nodes

3.5. Securing communication

3.6. Standards and Fora

3.7. Conclusion

3.8. Bibliography

Chapter 4. Power Line Communication Technology Overview

4.1. Introduction

4.2. Overview of existing PLC technologies and standards

4.3. Architectures for home network applications

4.4. Internet of things using PLC technology

4.5. Conclusion

4.6. Bibliography

Chapter 5. RFID Applications and Related Research Issues

5.1. Introduction

5.2. Concepts and terminology

5.3. RFID applications

5.4. Ongoing research projects

5.5. Summary and conclusions

5.6. Bibliography

Chapter 6. RFID Deployment for Location and Mobility Management on the Internet

6.1. Introduction

6.2. Background and related work

6.3. Localization and handover management relying on RFID

6.4. Technology considerations

6.5. Performance evaluation

6.6. Summary and conclusions

6.7. Bibliography

Chapter 7. The Internet of Things — Setting the Standards

7.1. Introduction

7.2. Standardizing ...

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