Companies that embrace the customer experience as a competitive differentiator are already a step ahead of their competitors. These companies become the measuring rod for all other experiences. You design a customer experience that rocks when you plan an effective customer strategy, understand customer expectations and needs, use that understanding to fine-tune the experience for your customers, and continually improve and learn from customer interactions and best practices. Is your organization setting the pace, or is it still trying to catch up?
Case Study
Lexus Treats Customers as Guests in Their Home
The Lexus Covenant
Lexus will enter the most competitive,
prestigious automobile race in the world.
Over 50 years of Toyota automotive
experience has culminated in the creation
of Lexus cars. They will be the
finest cars ever built.
Lexus will win the race because:
Lexus will do it right from the start.
Lexus will have the finest dealer network
in the industry. Lexus will treat each
customer as we would a guest in our home.
If you think you can’t, you won't …
If you think you can, you will!
We can, we will.
The Lexus Covenant and Culture
“In August of 1987, Lexus Division Managers and Associates committed themselves to providing the highest levels of product quality and customer service.” Thus begins the guiding document for the culture at luxury automaker Lexus. The Lexus Covenant is printed on wallet-sized cards that associates carry with them, ...
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