
We thank the editor of the Wiley-Blackwell Global Handbooks in Media and Communication Research series, Professor Annabelle Sreberny, for encouraging us to assume the daunting task of editing a Handbook of Global Media and Communication Policy. Three discriminating anonymous readers provided sharp comments that helped the book take shape. Elizabeth Swayze, our commissioning editor, and Margot Morse, our editorial contact at Wiley-Blackwell, guided the project through the inevitable hurdles of peer review, contracting authors, and production.

We were either exceptionally wise or extraordinarily fortunate to appoint two stellar assistants, Fréderik Lesage at the LSE and Aysha Mawani at McGill. Fréderik and Aysha were always there, despite their own urgent professional and personal commitments. Without Fréderik’s organizational acumen and Aysha’s precise copy-editing, we would still be looking at a pile of essays and wondering what to do with them. Thank you both. Isabel Pavez-Andonaegul at LSE provided much needed assistance in the later copy-editing stages.

Finally, we thank the 39 authors whose scholarly contributions to this Handbook helped to refocus our own thinking on global media and communication policy and on the most fruitful directions for future research.



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