The Globalization Reader, 5th Edition

Book description

Completely revised and updated, the fifth edition of this well-regarded textbook charts key topics and recent research in globalization along with the latest complexities and controversies in the field.

  • Includes a new section on globalization and identity and new readings on global inequality, mental illness, structural violence, microfinance, blood diamonds, world citizenship, the global justice movement, and sumo wrestling

  • Contains essential, thought-provoking readings by prominent scholars, activists, and organizations on the many dimensions of globalization, from political and economic issues to cultural and experiential ones

  • Examines foundational topics, such as the experience of globalization, economic and political globalization, the role of media and religion in cultural globalization, women's rights, environmentalism, global civil society, and the alternative globalization movement

  • Retains the helpful student features from prior editions, including an accessible format, concise introductions to major topics, stimulating examples, and discussion questions for each selection and section

  • Table of contents

    1. Cover
    2. Title page
    3. Copyright page
    4. Preface to the Fifth Edition
    5. General Introduction
    6. Part I: Debating Globalization
      1. Introduction
      2. 1 The Hidden Promise
        1. The Priority of Liberty
        2. The Open Society
        3. The Individual's Prayer
        4. An Empire without End
      3. 2 How to Judge Globalism
        1. Global Interdependences and Movements
        2. Are the Poor Getting Poorer?
        3. Global Justice and the Bargaining Problem
        4. Altering Global Arrangements
        5. Institutions and Inequality
        6. Fair Sharing of Global Opportunities
      4. 3 The Elusive Concept of Globalisation
        1. Globalisation: The Analytical Tool
        2. Globalisation: The Political Agenda
        3. Globalisation as Humanitarian Concern
        4. The Moral Challenge
      5. 4 Jihad vs. McWorld
        1. McWorld, or the Globalization of Politics
        2. Jihad, or the Lebanonization of the World
        3. The Darkening Future of Democracy
        4. The Confederal Option
      6. 5 The Clash of Civilizations?
        1. The Next Pattern of Conflict
        2. Why Civilizations Will Clash
        3. The Fault Lines between Civilizations
        4. The West versus the Rest
        5. Part I Questions
    7. Part II: Explaining Globalization
      1. Introduction
        1. World-System Theory and Related Perspectives
        2. World Polity Theory
        3. World Culture Theory
      2. 6 The Modern World-System as a Capitalist World-Economy
      3. 7 Sociology of the Global System
        1. The Conceptual Space for Transnational Practices (TNP)
        2. Economic Transnational Practices
        3. The Transnational Capitalist Class
        4. Labour and the Transnational Capitalist Class
        5. Culture-Ideology Transnational Practices
        6. The Culture-Ideology of Consumerism
        7. The Theory of the Global System: A Summary
      4. 8 A Brief History of Neoliberalism
        1. Introduction
        2. The Moving Map of Neoliberalization
      5. 9 World Society and the Nation-State
        1. Explanatory Models
        2. Isomorphism and Isomorphic Change
        3. Processes of World Society's Impact on Nation-States
        4. Conclusion
      6. 10 Globalization as a Problem
        1. The Crystallization of a Concept and a Problem
        2. Coming to Terms with the World as a Whole
        3. Globalization and the Search for Fundamentals
        4. Universalism and Particularism Globalized
      7. 11 Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy
        1. Part II Questions
    8. Part III: Experiencing Globalization
      1. Introduction
      2. 12 Waves in the History of Globalization
        1. The First Wave of Globalization: Jamaica
        2. Some Patterns in the First Wave
        3. The Second Wave of Globalization: North Dakota
        4. Some Patterns in the Second Wave
      3. 13 How Sushi Went Global
      4. 14 McDonald's in Hong Kong
        1. Transnationalism and the Fast Food Industry
        2. Mental Categories: Snack versus Meal
        3. From Exotic to Ordinary: McDonald's Becomes Local
        4. Sanitation and the Invention of Cleanliness
        5. What's in a Smile? Friendliness and Public Service
        6. Consumer Discipline?
        7. Hovering and the Napkin Wars
        8. Children as Consumers
        9. Ronald McDonald and the Invention of Birthday Parties
        10. Conclusions: Whose Culture Is It?
      5. 15 The Transnational Villagers
        1. The MDC's Accomplishments
      6. 16 The Great Game and the Informal Empire
      7. 17 Fear and Money in Dubai
        1. Fantasy Levitated
        2. Gigantism
        3. War Zone
      8. 18 An Anthropology of Structural Violence
      9. 19 Crazy Like Us
        1. Junk Science and First World Medicine
        2. The Mega-Marketing of Depression
        3. Early Adopters Have Second Thoughts
        4. Part III Questions
    9. Part IV: Globalization and the World Economy
      1. Introduction
      2. 20 China Makes, the World Takes
      3. 21 Commodity Chains and Marketing Strategies
        1. Trends in the US Athletic Shoe Market
        2. Nike Corporation: Competition, Upgrading, and Innovationin a Commodity Chain
        3. Conclusions
      4. 22 The Global Economy
        1. The Emergence of International Trade and Production Networks
        2. Industrial Upgrading and Global Production Networks
      5. 23 Global Income Inequality by the Numbers: In History and Now
      6. 24 The Bottom Billion
        1. Traps, and the Countries Caught in Them
        2. The Role of Growth in Development
      7. 25 The Global Financial Crisis and Its Effects
        1. A Brief Chronology
        2. Underlying Causes
        3. The Initial Economic Impact
        4. Policy responses
      8. 26 The Twin Excesses – Financialization and Globalization – Caused the Crash
      9. 27 Globalism's Discontents
        1. Beneficial Globalization
        2. The Darker Side of Globalization
        3. Lessons of Crisis
        4. The Costs of Volatility
        5. The Governance of Globalization
        6. Governance through Ideology
        7. An Unfair Trade Agenda
        8. Global Social Justice
        9. Part IV Questions
    10. Part V: Globalization and the Nation-State
      1. Introduction
      2. 28 The Declining Authority of States
        1. The Neglected Factor – Technology
        2. The Second Neglect – Finance
        3. Politics, Power and Legitimacy
      3. 29 Global Organized Crime
        1. The New Criminality
        2. Criminalization and the Rise of the State as a Courtesan
      4. 30 Has Globalization Gone Too Far?
        1. Sources of Tension
        2. The Role of National Governments
      5. 31 Welfare Spending in an Era of Globalization
      6. 32 World Culture and the Future of Schooling
        1. Subplot One: The Worldwide Success of Mass Schooling
        2. Subplot Two: Schooling Is an Institution
        3. Part V Questions
    11. Part VI: Global Governance
      1. Introduction
      2. 33 The International Monetary Fund
        1. The Effects of IMF Programs on the Balance of Payments
        2. Economic Growth
        3. Income Distribution and Social Spending
        4. Conclusion
      3. 34 The Future of the Multilateral Trade System – What Role for the World Trade Organization?
        1. The WTO Today
        2. Conclusion
      4. 35 A New World Order
        1. The Globalization Paradox: Needing More Government and Fearing It
        2. A New World Order
      5. 36 ISO and the Infrastructure for a Global Market
        1. The ISO Network and Its Voluntary Consensus Process: The Actors and Why They Are Involved
        2. A Standard and Its Consequences
        3. Setting the Standard
      6. 37 Global Health Governance
        1. Introduction
      7. 38 The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's Grant-Making Programme for Global Health
        1. Introduction
        2. The Gates Foundation's Grant-Making Programme
        3. Part VI Questions
    12. Part VII: Globalization, INGOs, and Civil Society
      1. Introduction
      2. 39 The Emergence and Transformation of the International Women's Movement
        1. The Interwar Period: Lobbying for Expansion of the World Agenda
        2. Development Ideology
        3. Summary
      3. 40 The Evolution of Debates over Female Genital Cutting
        1. The Health Compromise
        2. Women's Rights as Human Rights
      4. 41 Women's Human Rights and the Muslim Question
        1. Human Rights Discourse in Practice: The One Million Signatures Campaign
      5. 42 World Culture in the World Polity
        1. An Historical Overview of the INGO Population
        2. World Development, INGOs, and Capitalistand Interstate Systems
        3. INGOs as Enactors and Carriers of World Culture
        4. Conclusion
      6. 43 Closing the Corruption Casino
      7. 44 Trading Diamonds Responsibly
        1. Global CSR Norms: Opportunities for the Conflict Diamonds Campaign
        2. Translating Norms into Practice: The Kimberley Process
      8. 45 Poverty Capital
        1. Fall from Grace?
        2. Homegrown Institutions
        3. Poverty Truths
        4. The Conditions of Protection
        5. Part VII Questions
    13. Part VIII: Globalization and Media
      1. Introduction
      2. 46 Cultural Imperialism
        1. “Watching Dallas”: The Imperialist Text and Audience Research
        2. Multinational Capitalism and Cultural Homogenisation
      3. 47 Mapping Global Media Flow and Contra-Flow
        1. Localisation of Global Americana
        2. ‘Subaltern' Contra-Flows: Anti-Hegemonic or Pro-Americana?
        3. Transnational Telenovelas
        4. Hybridity as Hegemony
      4. 48 Hybridity and the Rise of Korean Popular Culture in Asia
        1. What is the Korean Wave?
        2. Korean Media Liberalization and Development
      5. 49 Watching Big Brother at Work
        1. The Rise of Popular Factual Entertainment
        2. Making it Aussie: Indigenising an International Format
        3. Producing Big Brother
        4. Developing a Fan Base
        5. Big Brother Online
      6. 50 Bollywood versus Hollywood
        1. Introduction
        2. Bollywood and Third Cinema
        3. ‘Hollywood Raises Hell in Bollywood'
        4. Conclusion
      7. 51 Why Hollywood Rules the World, and Whether We Should Care
        1. Why Clustering in Hollywood?
        2. The Drive towards Clustering
        3. American Cultural Imperialism?
        4. Part VIII Questions
    14. Part IX: Globalization and Religion
      1. Introduction
      2. 52 Bin Laden and Other Thoroughly Modern Muslims
        1. The Islamists' Roots in Secular Education
        2. Modern Goals, Modern Methods
        3. The Radical Minority
      3. 53 Globalised Islam
      4. 54 The Christian Revolution
        1. The Rise of Christendom
      5. 55 American Evangelicals
        1. Introduction
        2. American Evangelicalism: Vanguard of a Transnational Religious Movement
        3. The Language of the Market
        4. The Language of Multiculturalism
        5. Conclusion: An Unintended Gospel of Modernity
      6. 56 Globalizing Catholicism and the Return to a “Universal” Church
        1. First Citizen of the Emerging Global Civil Society
      7. 57 Religious Rejections of Globalization
        1. Religion and Antiglobalization Activism: The Case of the Debt Movement
        2. Religion and Antiglobalization Discourse
        3. Religion and Alternative Visions of Globalization
        4. Part IX Questions
    15. Part X: Globalization and Identity
      1. Introduction
      2. 58 Moral Choices and Global Desires
        1. Meeting Sumitra
        2. Mapping a Family
        3. Women in the Village
        4. Articulating Womanhood
        5. Synthesizing an Identity
        6. Freedom and Possibility: Banishing the Ban Manche
        7. Globalization, Conflict and Self-Definition
      3. 59 Global/Indian
        1. Navigating Cultural Terrain at Work: Corporate Perspectives
      4. 60 Strategic Inauthenticity
        1. Youssou N'Dour: “A Modern Griot”
        2. Whose Authenticity?
      5. 61 Orange Nation
        1. The Aura of 1974
      6. 62 Cosmopolitans and Locals in World Culture
        1. The Cosmopolitan Perspective: Orientation and Competence
        2. Cosmopolitanism and the Varieties of Mobility
        3. The Cosmopolitan at Home
        4. Conclusion: The Dependence of Cosmopolitans on Locals, and their Shared Interests
      7. 63 World Citizenship Defined
        1. Part X Questions
    16. Part XI: Global Environmentalism
      1. Introduction
      2. 64 Greenpeace and Political Globalism
        1. Transnational Organizational Structure
        2. Greenpeace's Politics
        3. Political Strategies
      3. 65 Environmental Advocacy Networks
        1. The Campaign against Deforestation in Sarawak
        2. Conclusions
      4. 66 Toward Democratic Governance for Sustainable Development
        1. The Rise of Domestic Opposition
        2. The Building of Transnational Linkages
        3. Taking on the World Bank
        4. The Genesis of the World Commission on Dams
      5. 67 Ozone Depletion
      6. 68 Forest Stewardship Council
        1. The Establishment of the FSC
        2. The Standards, Organization, and Governance Structure
        3. The FSC in the Transnational Regulatory Space – Countermoves and Relation to IGOs' Regulatory Frameworks
      7. 69 Speech of the IPCC Chairman, Rajendra K. Pachauri, at the opening session of the World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland
        1. Part XI Questions
    17. Part XII: Alternative Globalization and the Global Justice Movement
      1. Introduction
      2. 70 Counterhegemonic Globalization
        1. The New Organizational Foundations of Counterhegemonic Globalization
        2. Labor as a Global Social Movement
      3. 71 The Global Justice Movement
        1. A Brief History of the Global Justice Movement
        2. A Movement Against the Neoliberal Ideology
        3. Three Major Tendencies
      4. 72 The Global South
      5. 73 Ecological Balance in an Era of Globalization
        1. The Three Waves of Globalization
        2. The Community, the State, and the Corporation
        3. Globalization as Environmental Apartheid
        4. Northern Dumping in the South
        5. People's Movements for the Protection of Biodiversity and Collective Rights
        6. The Movement for Declaration of Community Rights to Biodiversity: The Case of Pattuvam Panchayat
        7. Navdanya: Seeds of Freedom
        8. Conclusion
      6. 74 Tomorrow Begins Today
      7. 75 Porto Alegre Call for Mobilization
      8. 76 A Better World Is Possible!
        1. Introduction
        2. Chapter I Critique of Economic Globalization
        3. Chapter II Ten Principles for Democratic and Sustainable Societies
        4. Chapter III Issues on Commodification of the Commons
        5. Chapter IV The Case for Subsidiarity: Bias Away From the Global Toward the Local
        6. Part XII Questions
    18. Index
    19. End User License Agreement

    Product information

    • Title: The Globalization Reader, 5th Edition
    • Author(s): Frank J. Lechner, John Boli
    • Release date: December 2014
    • Publisher(s): Wiley-Blackwell
    • ISBN: 9781118733554