The Globalization and Development Reader: Perspectives on Development and Global Change, 2nd Edition

Book description

This revised and updated second edition of The Globalization and Development Reader builds on the considerable success of a first edition that has been used around the world. It combines selected readings and editorial material to provide a coherent text with global coverage, reflecting new theoretical and empirical developments.

  • Main text and core reference for students and professionals studying the processes of social change and development in "third world" countries. Carefully excerpted materials facilitate the understanding of classic and contemporary writings

  • Second edition includes 33 essential readings, including 21 new selections

  • New pieces cover the impact of the recession in the global North, global inequality and uneven development, gender, international migration, the role of cities, agriculture and on the governance of pharmaceuticals and climate change politics

  • Increased coverage of China and India help to provide genuinely global coverage, and for a student readership the materials have been subject to a higher degree of editing in the new edition

  • Includes a general introduction to the field, and short, insightful section introductions to each reading

  • New readings include selections by Alexander Gershenkron, Alice Amsden, Amartya Sen, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Cecile Jackson, Dani Rodrik, David Harvey, Greta Krippner, Kathryn Sikkink, Leslie Sklair, Margaret E. Keck, Michael Burawoy, Nitsan Chorev, Oscar Lewis, Patrick Bond, Peter Evans, Philip McMichael, Pranab Bardhan, Ruth Pearson, Sarah Babb, Saskia Sassen, and Steve Radelet

  • Table of contents

    1. Cover
    2. Title page
    3. Copyright page
    4. Preface and Acknowledgments
    5. Globalization and Development
      1. Why Are the Poor Countries Poor? Diverging Opinions
      2. Social Turmoil and the Classical Thinkers
      3. Becoming Modern
      4. Dependency Theory and World-Systems Analysis
      5. From Development to Globalization
    6. Part 1: Formative Approaches to Development and Social Change
      1. Introduction
      2. 1 Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848) and Alienated Labour (1844)
        1. Manifesto of the Communist Party
        2. Alienated Labour
      3. 2 The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1905)
      4. 3 The Stages of EconomicGrowth
        1. The Five Stages-of-Growth – A Summary
      5. 4 Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective (1962)
        1. The Elements of Backwardness
        2. The Banks
        3. The State
        4. The Gradations of Backwardness
        5. Ideologies of Delayed Industrializations
        6. Conclusions
      6. 5 A Study of Slum Culture
        1. The Culture of Poverty
      7. 6 Political Participation
        1. Modernization and Political Consciousness
        2. Modernization and Violence
    7. Part 2: Dependency and Beyond
      1. Introduction
      2. 7 The Development of Underdevelopment (1969)
        1. I
        2. II
        3. III
        4. IV
        5. V
        6. VI
        7. VII
        8. VIII
        9. IX
      3. 8 Dependency and Development in Latin America (1972)
        1. Lenin’s Characterization of Imperialism
        2. Imperialism and Dependent Economies
        3. New Patterns of Capital Accumulation
        4. New Forms of Economic Dependency
        5. Some Political Consequences
      4. 9 The Rise and Future Demise of the World Capitalist System
      5. 10 Taiwan’s Economic History
        1. Introduction
        2. The Colonial Period: 1895–1945
        3. Land to the Tiller
        4. Agriculture 1953–1968
        5. Industrialization
        6. The Taiwan Case and Dependency Theory
        7. A Special Case
        8. A Crisis of Labor
        9. References
      6. 11 Rethinking Development Theory
        1. Introduction
        2. Theoretical Perspectives on East Asian and Latin American Development: Perceptions and Misconceptions
        3. The NICs in Historical and World-Systems Context
        4. The Dynamic Interplay of Inward- and Outward-Oriented Industrialization
        5. Dependent Development in Latin America and East Asia
        6. The Emergent Global Manufacturing System: Toward a Theoretical Synthesis
        7. References
      7. 12 Interrogating Development
        1. Feminist Analysis versus Women and Development
        2. Commonalities and Difference
        3. Gender Interests and Emancipatory Projects
        4. Domestic Groups: Cooperation, Conflict and Struggle
        5. Feminisms and Green Fundamentalism
        6. Gendered Economies: Relations of Production and Reproduction
        7. Feminism as Deconstruction
        8. References
      8. 13 Why Is Buying a “Madras” Cotton Shirt a Political Act? A Feminist Commodity Chain Analysis (2004)
        1. A Critique of Realist Commodity Chains and the Feminist Alternative
        2. Distant Lands, Moral Ends
        3. Producing Cotton: Changing Wage and Labor Relations in South India
        4. Producing Femininities and Masculinities
        5. Conclusion
    8. Part 3: What Is Globalization?
      1. Introduction
      2. 14 The New International Division of Labour in the World Economy (1980)
        1. The Phenomenon
        2. Main Tendencies in the Contemporary World Economy
      3. 15 In Defense of Global Capitalism (2003)
        1. Introduction
        2. Poverty Reduction
        3. Hunger
        4. Democratization
        5. Oppression of Women
        6. Global Inequality
        7. Reservations
      4. 16 It’s a Flat World, After All (2005)
      5. 17 The Financialization of the American Economy (2005)
        1. Introduction
        2. Two Views of Economic Change
        3. Evidence for Financialization
        4. Financialization and the Reorganization of Corporate Activity
        5. Financialization and the Globalization of Production
        6. Global Portfolio Income of US Non-financial Corporations
        7. Global Financial and Non-financial Profits of US Corporations
        8. Conclusion
        9. References
      6. 18 The Transnational Capitalist Class and the Discourse of Globalization (2000)
        1. Introduction
        2. The Transnational Capitalist Class (TCC)
        3. The Disclosure of Capitalist Globalization: Competitiveness
        4. The Corporate Capture of Sustainable Development
      7. 19 The Washington Consensus as Transnational Policy Paradigm
        1. The Washington Consensus as a Transnational Policy Paradigm
        2. The Rise of the Washington Consensus
        3. The Influence of the Washington Consensus
        4. References
      8. 20 The Crises of Capitalism (2010)
    9. Part 4: Development after Globalization
      1. Introduction
      2. 21 Global Crisis, African Oppression (2001)
        1. The African Crisis Continues
      3. 22 Agrofuels in the Food Regime (2010)
        1. Introduction
        2. Food Regimes and Development
        3. The Twenty-First Century Agrarian Question
        4. Corporate Food Regime Developments
        5. Food Regime Ecology
        6. Conclusion
        7. References
      4. 23 Global Cities and Survival Circuits (2002)
        1. Global Cities and Survival Circuits
        2. Toward an Alternative Narrative about Globalization
        3. Women in the Global City
        4. New Employment Regimes in Cities
        5. The Other Workers in the Advanced Corporate Economy
        6. Producing a Global Supply of the New Caretakers: The Feminization of Survival
        7. Government Debt: Shifting Resources from Women to Foreign Banks
        8. Alternative Survival Circuits
        9. Conclusion
      5. 24 What Makes a Miracle
      6. 25 Foreign Aid (2006)
        1. Introduction
        2. Donors and recipients
        3. Aid, Growth and Development
        4. Donor Relationships with Recipient Countries
        5. Summary and conclusions
        6. References
      7. 26 The Globalization Paradox
        1. The Political Trilemma of the World Economy
        2. Designing Capitalism 3.0
    10. Part 5: Global Themes Searching for New Paradigms
      1. Introduction
      2. 27 A New World Order (2004)
        1. Regulators: The New Diplomats
        2. References
      3. 28 Transnational Advocacy Networks in International Politics (1998)
        1. What Is a Transnational Advocacy Network?
        2. Why and How Have Transnational Advocacy Networks Emerged?
        3. The Boomerang Pattern
        4. The Growth of International Contact
        5. How Do Transnational Advocacy Networks Work?
        6. Under What Conditions Do Advocacy Networks Have Influence?
        7. Issue Characteristics
        8. Actor Characteristics
        9. Toward a Global Civil Society?
      4. 29 Multipolarity and the New World [Dis]Order
        1. Introduction
        2. Copenhagen and Climate Justice
        3. Multipolarity and the New World (Dis)Order
        4. US Hegemonic Decline: Applying the Lens of Arrighi and Silver
        5. Discussion and Conclusion
        6. References
      5. 30 Changing Global Norms through Reactive Diffusion
        1. Making and Remaking of Global Norms: Current Views
        2. Reactive Diffusion and Accumulated Experiences
        3. From TRIPS to Doha and Beyond
        4. Discussion
        5. References
      6. 31 Development as Freedom (1999)
        1. Introduction: Development as Freedom
        2. The Perspective of Freedom
        3. The Ends and the Means of Development
        4. Poverty as Capability Deprivation
        5. Markets, State and Social Opportunity
      7. 32 From Polanyi to Pollyanna
        1. False Optimism
        2. Grounding Globalization
        3. Reconstructing Polanyi
      8. 33 The Developmental State
        1. The Recent Evolution of Development Theory
        2. The Twentieth-Century Developmental State
        3. A Historical Shift in the Character of Development
        4. The Programmatic Implications of New Theory and New Circumstances
        5. Does the Twenty-First Century Spell the Transformation or the Demise of the Developmental State?
        6. References
    11. Index
    12. End User License Agreement

    Product information

    • Title: The Globalization and Development Reader: Perspectives on Development and Global Change, 2nd Edition
    • Author(s): J. Timmons Roberts, Amy Bellone Hite, Nitsan Chorev
    • Release date: December 2014
    • Publisher(s): Wiley-Blackwell
    • ISBN: 9781118735107