Achievement-oriented strategies, 90, 92–93
Age-based categories, 27, 48–49
Age-based stereotypes, 17
Age cohorts, 5, 29–30
Age group, 5
Association for Training and Development (ATD), 82
ATD. See Association for Training and Development
Baby Boomers, 14–15, 29, 33
Bandura, Albert, 82
Behavior-based tension, 70–71, 73–76
Behavior modeling, 82
Ben & Jerry’s, 102
Bias, 63–64
Bigfoot, 1, 21–22
Bunyan, Paul, 51, 52
Cloudiness, 11–12
Collective consciousness, 26, 30–31
Contribution, 28, 43–46
Culture, caustic, 85–87
Culture transference, 81
Discursive theory, 107
Discourse analysis, 107
Diversity, 106
Dramaturgical theory, 15, 16, 17
Edmunds, June, 10
Ego-oriented strategies, 91, 96–97
Experiential knowledge, 83
Fairhurst, Gail, 43
Family ...
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