Adams, R. L., 105
Adult Population Survey (APS), 81
age distribution, 84
Akuru, U. B., 25
Allen, K., 64
alliances, 13
Almeida, P., 5
Altman, E. I., 94
Ames, M., 99
Anwar, M., 25
authenticity, 105
Autio, E., 81
Bays, J., 29
Beaver, W. H., 94
Beck, T., 24
Blue ocean strategy, 67
Bosma, N., 81
discontinuation, 83–84, 93–107
plan, 103
starting a, 112–113, 121, 124–128
calculated risk, 66
capacity-building programs, 36
cash burn out, 99
cash flow, 103
Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), 3, 14
Central Bank of Egypt (CBE), 89
Chin, N., 81
Cohen, W. M., 3
commercial ...
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