The Four Stages of Highly Effective Crisis Management

Book description

Presenting cutting-edge media communication solutions, this book explains methods for choosing the appropriate language and media outlet to properly convey a message during and after a crisis.

Table of contents

  1. Front Cover (1/2)
  2. Front Cover (2/2)
  3. Contents (1/2)
  4. Contents (2/2)
  5. Preface
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. Author (1/2)
  8. Author (2/2)
  9. Chapter 1: What Is a Crisis? (1/2)
  10. Chapter 1: What Is a Crisis? (2/2)
  11. Chapter 2: The Role of Media in a Crisis
  12. Chapter 3: Social, Interactive, and Everywhere All the Time (1/2)
  13. Chapter 3: Social, Interactive, and Everywhere All the Time (2/2)
  14. Chapter 4: Social Media’s Role in Crisis
  15. Chapter 5: Media Ethics: What Drives Traditional Media Behavior?
  16. Chapter 6 (1/4)
  17. Chapter 6 (2/4)
  18. Chapter 6 (3/4)
  19. Chapter 6 (4/4)
  20. Chapter 7: Stage One—Fact-Finding Stage (1/2)
  21. Chapter 7: Stage One—Fact-Finding Stage (2/2)
  22. Chapter 8: Beware the ST Factor: Remember the Context (1/2)
  23. Chapter 8: Beware the ST Factor: Remember the Context (2/2)
  24. Chapter 9: Stage Two—The Unfolding Drama (1/2)
  25. Chapter 9: Stage Two—The Unfolding Drama (2/2)
  26. Chapter 10: Stage Three—Finger-Pointing Stage = Blame Game (1/2)
  27. Chapter 10: Stage Three—Finger-Pointing Stage = Blame Game (2/2)
  28. Chapter 11 (1/2)
  29. Chapter 11 (2/2)
  30. Chapter 12: Who? (1/2)
  31. Chapter 12: Who? (2/2)
  32. Chapter 13: To CEO or Not? (1/2)
  33. Chapter 13: To CEO or Not? (2/2)
  34. Chapter 14: Head and Heart
  35. Chapter 15: Role of the Frontline (1/2)
  36. Chapter 15: Role of the Frontline (2/2)
  37. Chapter 16 (1/3)
  38. Chapter 16 (2/3)
  39. Chapter 16 (3/3)
  40. Chapter 17: Understanding Journalists’ Questions
  41. Chapter 18: Techniques to Get Your Message Across (1/2)
  42. Chapter 18: Techniques to Get Your Message Across (2/2)
  43. Chapter 19: Dealing with Difficult Questions (1/2)
  44. Chapter 19: Dealing with Difficult Questions (2/2)
  45. Chapter 20: Never Repeat the Poison: Avoid Negative Language
  46. Chapter 21: How the New Media Are Changing the Rules for Interviews
  47. Chapter 22: Lights, Camera, Action—The Interview (1/5)
  48. Chapter 22: Lights, Camera, Action—The Interview (2/5)
  49. Chapter 22: Lights, Camera, Action—The Interview (3/5)
  50. Chapter 22: Lights, Camera, Action—The Interview (4/5)
  51. Chapter 22: Lights, Camera, Action—The Interview (5/5)
  52. Chapter 23 (1/3)
  53. Chapter 23 (2/3)
  54. Chapter 23 (3/3)
  55. Chapter 24: Why Communicate in a Crisis?
  56. Chapter 25: What to Communicate? (1/2)
  57. Chapter 25: What to Communicate? (2/2)
  58. Chapter 26: To Apologize or Not—The Role of the Apology in a Crisis
  59. Chapter 27: Language in a Crisis—Fall in Love with We; No Toxic Language, Please
  60. Chapter 28: How to Get Your Message Across
  61. Chapter 29: Where? New Media Tools (1/7)
  62. Chapter 29: Where? New Media Tools (2/7)
  63. Chapter 29: Where? New Media Tools (3/7)
  64. Chapter 29: Where? New Media Tools (4/7)
  65. Chapter 29: Where? New Media Tools (5/7)
  66. Chapter 29: Where? New Media Tools (6/7)
  67. Chapter 29: Where? New Media Tools (7/7)
  68. Chapter 30 (1/2)
  69. Chapter 30 (2/2)
  70. Appendix A: Guidelines for Briefing Spokespeople
  71. Appendix B: Sample Media Contact Information Log
  72. Appendix C: Sample News Release
  73. Appendix D: Nine Steps to a Crisis Communication Plan
  74. Appendix E: Useful Resources
  75. Appendix F: Social Media Policy Resources (1/2)
  76. Appendix F: Social Media Policy Resources (2/2)
  77. Appendix G: Social Media Resources for Crisis Communicators
  78. Appendix H: 30 Things You Should Not Share on Social Media
  79. Appendix I: Wordpress Statement
  80. Appendix J: Social Media Embracing the Opportunities, Averting the Risks (1/3)
  81. Appendix J: Social Media Embracing the Opportunities, Averting the Risks (2/3)
  82. Appendix J: Social Media Embracing the Opportunities, Averting the Risks (3/3)
  83. Back Cover

Product information

  • Title: The Four Stages of Highly Effective Crisis Management
  • Author(s): Jane Jordan
  • Release date: March 2011
  • Publisher(s): CRC Press
  • ISBN: 9781439853740