Appendix A: A Quick Reference Guide to SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Formats

This table shows the result when the same date, time, or datetime value is displayed with the corresponding format, using the default length for the given format.

The reference date for this table is Thursday, September 18, 2014.

If You Want Your Dateto Look Like This Use This Format
18 DAY.
18/09/14 DDMMYY.
18 09 14 DDMMYYB.
18:09:14 DDMMYYC.
18-09-14 DDMMYYD.
18092014 DDMMYYN.
18.09.14 DDMMYYP.
18/09/14 DDMMYYS.
Thursday DOWNAME.
14261 JULIAN.
09/18/14 MMDDYY.
09 18 14 MMDDYYB.
09:18:14 MMDDYYC.
09-18-14 MMDDYYD.
09182014 MMDDYYN.
09.18.14 MMDDYYP.
09/18/14 MMDDYYS.
09M2014 MMYY.
09:2014 MMYYC.

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