The Essence of Materials for Engineers

Book description

This text is designed for the introductory, one semester course in materials science or as a reference for professional engineers. It addresses what is essential for all engineers to know about the relationship between structure and properties as affected by processing in order to obtain all-important required performance. The organization of topics reflects this key interrelationship, and presents those topics in an order appropriate for students in an introductory course to build their own mental construct or hierarchy. Modern advances in polymers, ceramics, crystals, composites, semiconductors, etc. are discussed with an emphasis on applications in industry.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Dedication
  5. Contents
  6. Preface
  7. Part 1: Structure
    1. Chapter 1 Materials: Building Blocks for Engineers
      1. 1.1 Why Materials Define Civilization
      2. 1.2 Materials Science Is Science Applied to Materials, Not New Science
      3. 1.3 The Pervasive Role of Materials in Engineering
      4. 1.4 The Engineering of Materials to Meet Society’s Needs: The Responsibility of Engineers
      5. 1.5 Structure-Property-Processing-Performance Interdependence
      6. 1.6 The Evolution of Materials over Time
      7. 1.7 Materials Selection in Design: Every Engineer’s Challenge
      8. Summary
      9. Thinking Problems and Exploration Questions
    2. Chapter 2 The Periodic Table of Elements: The Key to Understanding Atomic Bonding and Types of Materials
      1. 2.1 The Structure of the Atom: The Foundation of Matter
      2. 2.2 The Importance of Stable Electron Configuration in Atoms
      3. 2.3 The Periodicity of Atomic Structure and an Element’s Properties
      4. 2.4 Why Atoms Form Bond with Other Atoms
      5. 2.5 Primary Bonding Between Atoms
      6. 2.6 Secondary Bonding Between Atoms and Between Molecules
      7. 2.7 Mixed Bonding
      8. 2.8 Defining Material Types from the Periodic Table
      9. 2.9 Atomic Bonding Forces and Energies
      10. Summary
      11. Thinking Problems and Exploration Questions
    3. Chapter 3 Aggregation of Atoms: The Basis for Solid Materials
      1. 3.1 States of Matter
      2. 3.2 Why Atoms Aggregate to Form Solids Beyond Form Simple Bonds
      3. 3.3 Aggregation with Metallic Bonding: Metal Crystal Structures
      4. 3.4 Aggregation with Ionic Bonding: Ceramic Crystal Structures
      5. 3.5 Aggregation with Covalent Bonding: Crystalline Carbon, High-Performance Ceramics, Metalloid Semiconductors, Silicates, and Polymer Macromolecules
      6. 3.6 Aggregation of Macromolecules by Secondary Bonding to Form Polymers
      7. 3.7 A System for Navigating Within Crystals: Miller Indices
      8. 3.8 Noncrystalline Materials: Why and When They Occur
      9. 3.9 Characterizing Crystalline Structures
      10. Summary
      11. Thinking Problems and Exploration Questions
    4. Chapter 4 Imperfections in Solid Crystalline Materials: Nature’s Better Alternative Than Perfection
      1. 4.1 Why Nature Accepts (Even If She Does Not Prefer) Imperfection
      2. 4.2 Point (Zero-Dimensional) Imperfections
      3. 4.3 Negatives Versus Positives of Point Imperfections
      4. 4.4 Line (One-Dimensional) Imperfections: Dislocations
      5. 4.5 Negatives Versus Positives of Dislocations
      6. 4.6 Area or Planar (Two-Dimensional) Imperfections
      7. 4.7 Negatives Versus Positives of Planar Imperfections
      8. 4.8 Volume (Three-Dimensional) Imperfection: Amorphism
      9. 4.9 Atomic Vibrations: Phonons
      10. 4.10 Engineering with Imperfections in Materials
      11. Summary
      12. Thinking Problems and Exploration Questions
    5. Chapter 5 Amorphous and Semi-crystalline Materials
      1. 5.1 Amorphous Versus Crystalline Versus Semi-crystalline Structures and Materials
      2. 5.2 Amorphous Glasses
      3. 5.3 Creating Polymer Macromolecules from Simple Building Blocks
      4. 5.4 Polymer Molecule Shape, Structure, and Configurations
      5. 5.5 Classification of Polymers
      6. 5.6 Copolymers
      7. 5.7 Crystallization in Polymers
      8. 5.8 Liquid Crystal Polymers
      9. Summary
      10. Thinking Problems and Exploration Questions
  8. Part 2: Properties
    1. Chapter 6 Material Properties: The Response of a Solid Material’s Structure to a Stimulus
      1. 6.1 Structure Determines Properties, But What Are Properties?
      2. 6.2 Classification of Properties by Stimulus
      3. 6.3 Effect of Structure on Properties at Different Levels: Subatomic to Macroscopic
      4. 6.4 Intensive Versus Extensive Properties: Size Sometimes Matters
      5. 6.5 Complex Combination Properties
      6. 6.6 Correlations Between Properties
      7. 6.7 Anisotropy Versus Isotropy
      8. 6.8 Smart Materials
      9. Summary
      10. Thinking Problems and Exploration Questions
    2. Chapter 7 Mechanical Properties of Solids: A Material’s Response to Loads or Forces
      1. 7.1 Why Mechanical Properties Are Important to Engineering
      2. 7.2 Important Mechanical Properties to Engineers
      3. 7.3 Types of Loading
      4. 7.4 Stress and Strain as Opposed to Load and Elongation
      5. 7.5 Stress–Strain Elastic–Plastic Behavior of Metals
      6. 7.6 Stress–Strain Elastic Behavior of Brittle Materials (Ceramics and Glasses)
      7. 7.7 Viscoelastic Behavior of Polymers and Viscous Behavior of Glasses
      8. 7.8 Responses to Compressive Loading
      9. 7.9 Hardness of Materials
      10. 7.10 Dynamic Properties of Materials
      11. 7.11 The Statistical Nature of Properties and the Need for Safety Factors
      12. Summary
      13. Thinking Problems and Exploration Questions
    3. Chapter 8 Deformation Versus Fracture: Different Mechanical Responses to Stresses
      1. 8.1 Mechanical Failure Criteria in Materials and Structures
      2. 8.2 Plastic Deformation in Single-Crystal Metals: The Process of Slip
      3. 8.3 The Role of Dislocations in Slip
      4. 8.4 Plastic Deformation in Polycrystalline Metals: The Role of Grains
      5. 8.5 Cold Versus Hot Working of Metals: Strain Hardening and Recrystallization
      6. 8.6 Brittle and Ductile Fracture
      7. 8.7 Fracture Mechanics and Fracture Toughness
      8. 8.8 Deformation and Fracture in Ceramics and Glasses
      9. 8.9 Deformation and Fracture in Polymers
      10. Summary
      11. Thinking Problems and Exploration Questions
    4. Chapter 9 Electrical Properties of Solids: A Material’s Response to an Electromagnetic Field
      1. 9.1 Why Electrical Properties Are Important to Engineering
      2. 9.2 Important Electrical Properties to Engineers
      3. 9.3 The Origin of Material Conductivity: Electron Band Theory
      4. 9.4 Electron Mobility and Electrical Resistivity
      5. 9.5 Semiconductivity and Semiconductors
      6. 9.6 Dielectric Behavior and Dielectric Materials
      7. 9.7 Ionic Versus Electronic Conduction
      8. 9.8 Electrical Properties of Polymers
      9. 9.9 Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Behavior in Ceramics
      10. 9.10 Thermoelectric Effect and Thermoelectricity in Metals
      11. Summary
      12. Thinking Problems and Exploration Questions
    5. Chapter 10 Thermal Properties of Solids: A Material’s Response to Heat
      1. 10.1 Why Thermal Properties Are Important to Engineering
      2. 10.2 Important Thermal Properties to Engineers
      3. 10.3 Heat Capacity of Solids
      4. 10.4 Thermal Expansion of Solids
      5. 10.5 Thermal Conductivity in Solids
      6. 10.6 Thermal Degradation of Materials and Structures: Thermal Stresses, Thermal Fatigue, and Thermal Shock
      7. Summary
      8. Thinking Problems and Exploration Questions
  9. Part 3: Processing
    1. Chapter 11 Using Processing to Improve the Mechanical Properties of Solids: Strengthening and Toughening Materials
      1. 11.1 The Role of Processing Materials in Engineering
      2. 11.2 Why Engineers Seek Stronger and Tougher Materials
      3. 11.3 The Bases for Strengthening and for Toughening
      4. 11.4 Strengthening Metals by Grain Size Reduction
      5. 11.5 Strengthening Metals by Cold Work: Strain Hardening
      6. 11.6 Strengthening Metals by Alloying: Solid-Solution Strengthening
      7. 11.7 Strengthening Metals with Second Phases
      8. 11.8 Transformation Hardening Metals: The Martensite Transformation
      9. 11.9 Strengthening and Toughening Ceramics
      10. 11.10 Strengthening Amorphous Glasses and Polymers
      11. Summary
      12. Thinking Problems and Exploration Questions
    2. Chapter 12 Alloy Phase Diagrams: Maps of Structure as Functions of Composition and Temperature
      1. 12.1 The Importance of Alloying and the Role of Phase Diagrams in Engineering
      2. 12.2 The Language of Phase Diagrams
      3. 12.3 Solubility Limits and Hume-Rothery’s Rules
      4. 12.4 One-Component Pressure–Temperature Phase Diagrams: As a Start
      5. 12.5 Gibbs’ Phase Rule
      6. 12.6 Binary Diagrams: Isomorphous and Simple Eutectic
      7. 12.7 Other Phase Reactions and More Complicated Binary Phase Diagrams
      8. 12.8 The Iron-Carbon/Iron-Iron Carbide Phase Diagram: Steels Revealed
      9. 12.9 Ceramic Phase Diagrams
      10. 12.10 Dealing with Systems More Complex Than Binaries
      11. Summary
      12. Thinking Problems and Exploration Questions
    3. Chapter 13 Heat-Induced Transformations in Materials: Improving Properties by Controlled Solidification, Diffusion, or Heat Treatment
      1. 13.1 How Heat Leads to Changes in Structure and Properties
      2. 13.2 Nucleation and Growth: Crystals, Grains, Precipitates, and Cracks
      3. 13.3 Diffusion in Crystalline Solids
      4. 13.4 Solidification of Pure Metals and Single-Phase Alloys
      5. 13.5 Eutectic Solidification
      6. 13.6 Nonequilibrium Versus Equilibrium Solidification and Phase Transformations
      7. 13.7 The Eutectoid Transformation: Key to the Diversity of Properties in Steels
      8. 13.8 Heat Treatment of Steels: Isothermal and Continuous Cooling Transformation
      9. 13.9 Heat-Induced Transformations in Polymers
      10. Summary
      11. Thinking Problems and Exploration Questions
    4. Chapter 14 Strain-Induced Transformations in Materials: Improving Properties by Controlled Deformation
      1. 14.1 What Strain Can Do to Improve Properties in Crystalline Materials
      2. 14.2 Cold Work and Recovery, Recrystallization, and Grain Growth in Metals
      3. 14.3 Strain-Induced Martensite Transformations
      4. 14.4 Stretch-Leveling and Strain-Aging in Steels
      5. 14.5 Effects of Strain on Aging in Precipitation-Hardening Alloys
      6. 14.6 Strain-Induced Phase Formation in Ceramics
      7. 14.7 Texturing in Metals
      8. 14.8 Microstructure and Property Changes from Hot Working of Metals and Alloys
      9. 14.9 Strain Processing of Polymers
      10. Summary
      11. Thinking Problems and Exploration Questions
    5. Chapter 15 Composite Materials: Another Level of the Structure-Property-Process-Performance Relationship
      1. 15.1 Composite Materials: When the Basic Materials Will Not Do
      2. 15.2 Roles of the Reinforcement and of the Matrix Phases in Composites
      3. 15.3 Types and Forms of Composites: Composite Classification
      4. 15.4 The Rule of Mixtures and Functionally Specific Properties
      5. 15.5 The Role of Reinforcement-Matrix Interface Strength on Composite Behavior
      6. 15.6 Particle- Versus Fiber- Versus Laminate-Reinforced Composites
      7. 15.7 Polymer- Versus Metal- Versus Ceramic-Matrix Composites
      8. 15.8 Nanocomposites: When Smaller Is Better
      9. Summary
      10. Thinking Problems and Exploration Questions
  10. Part 4: Performance
    1. Chapter 16 Environmental Degradation of Materials: A Cost to Society
      1. 16.1 Environmental Degradation in Service: The Bane of Even a Good Design
      2. 16.2 The Chemistry of Corrosion
      3. 16.3 Electrochemical Cells and Galvanic Corrosion
      4. 16.4 Forms of Corrosion
      5. 16.5 Environmental Factors in Corrosion
      6. 16.6 Preventing Corrosion
      7. 16.7 Wear in Materials
      8. 16.8 Preventing Wear
      9. 16.9 Degradation in Other Materials and by Other Environments
      10. Summary
      11. Thinking Problems and Exploration Questions
    2. Chapter 17 The Evolution of Materials: Solving Problems and Embarking on New Frontiers
      1. 17.1 Where We Stand and Why We Stand Here
      2. 17.2 Learning from the Old to Create the New (or Nothing New Under the Sun)
      3. 17.3 More Toward Functionally Specific Properties and Designer Materials
      4. 17.4 Combining Material Synthesis and Processing: Synergy and Economy
      5. 17.5 Energy, Water, Pollution, and Poverty: Saving the Earth
      6. 17.6 Transportation: Shrinking the World and Beyond
      7. 17.7 Bionics: Mimicking Nature for the Betterment of Humankind
      8. Summary
      9. Thinking Problems and Exploration Questions
  11. Appendix A-1 List of Selected Elements and Key Facts
  12. Appendix A-2 Summary of the Seven Possible Crystal Systems and Fourteen Possible Bravais Lattices
  13. Appendix A-3 Convention for Assigning Miller Indices for Hexagonal Crystals
  14. Appendix B-1 Some Key Mechanical Properties for Some Important Engineering Materials
  15. Appendix B-2 Hardness Conversion Table: Approximate Hardness Equivalents Among Common Hardness Scales (Including Ultimate Tensile Strength, UTS)
  16. Appendix B-3 List of the Values of Electrical Conductivity and Resistivity for Some Important Engineering Materials (at Room Temperature)
  17. Appendix B-4 Seebeck Coefficients for Various Materials
  18. Appendix B-5 List of Some Important Thermal Properties for Some Important Engineering Materials
  19. Index

Product information

  • Title: The Essence of Materials for Engineers
  • Author(s): Robert W. Messler Jr.
  • Release date: May 2010
  • Publisher(s): Jones & Bartlett Learning
  • ISBN: 9780763793524