
Account, profit and loss, 61–62

Accruals, 65

Action plan, 93

Appreciation, 66

Assets, 64, 141

Bad location, 20

Balance sheet, 64

Banks, 49

Being ethical, 41

Blog, 90

Brainstorm, 10

Branding, 95–96

Breakeven analysis, 61

Budgeting, 55–56

benefits of, 56–57

creation, 57


angels, 142

budgeting and planning, 55–56

Caan, James (case study), 12–13

demand, 14

and entrepreneur, 2–4, 19–22

entrepreneurial lifestyle, 18–19

expenses, 122–123

failure, 20

and family, 19

financial statements, 54

foundation, 138–139

goals, 92

idea, 7

intellectual property, 16

knowing your numbers, 17–18

knowledge, 38

location, 15

market size, 13–14

network, 18

opportunities, 30

own, 9–10

PESTLE framework, 28–31

planning, 20

problems, 144–145

protections, 16–17 ...

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