Antennas and Radiation

Nirod K. Das,     Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York, USA

Antenna Fundamentals

6.1. Introduction

6.2. Antenna as a Transmitter

6.2.1. Basic Far-Field Relations

6.2.2. Radiation Power Density

6.2.3. Power per Solid Angle

6.2.4. Radiation Pattern

6.2.5. Beam Width and Side Lobe Level

6.2.6. Polarization Unit Vector

6.2.7. Polarization Ellipse and Axial Ratio

6.2.8. Total Radiated Power and Radiation Efficiency

6.2.9. Antenna Input Impedance and Radiation Resistance

6.2.10. Resonant Frequency and Bandwidth

6.2.11. Directivity

6.2.12. Gain

6.2.13. Beam Efficiency

6.3. Antenna as a Receiver

6.3.1. Incident Plane Wave

6.3.2. Receive Voltage Vector

6.3.3.  ...

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