Chapter 6

Cortex-M7 Processor


The Cortex-M7 is the latest Cortex-M processor to be released by ARM. While it maintains the same programmer’s model as the earlier Cortex-M processors it provides a big performance increase through architectural additions and a more advanced memory hierarchy. This chapter examines these new features and shows how to optimize your application code to run on a Cortex-M7-based microcontroller.


Cortex-M7; tightly coupled memory; Instruction TCM; Data TCM; Instruction Cache; Data Cache; dual issue pipeline; AXI; AXI-M; superscalar; branch prediction

In the first few chapters of this book we have looked at the Cortex-M0, -M0+, -M3, and -M4 processors. Next we are going to examine the latest Cortex-M processor, ...

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