Book description
The Definitive Guide to Jython is organized for beginners as well as advanced users of the language. The book provides a general overview of the Jython language itself, but it also includes intermediate and advanced topics regarding database, web, and GUI applications; Web services/SOA; and integration, concurrency, and parallelism, to name a few.
Table of contents
- Copyright
- Foreword
- About the Authors
- About the Technical Reviewers
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
I. Jython Basics: Learning the Language
1. Language and Syntax
- 1.1. The Difference between Jython and Python
- 1.2. Installing and Configuring Jython
- 1.3. Identifiers and Declaring Variables
- 1.4. Reserved Words
- 1.5. Coding Structure
- 1.6. Operators
- 1.7. Expressions
- 1.8. Functions
- 1.9. Classes
- 1.10. Statements
- 1.11. Iteration
- 1.12. Basic Keyboard Input
- 1.13. Other Python Statements
- 1.14. Documenting Code
- 1.15. Python Help
- 1.16. Summary
- 2. Data Types and Referencing
- 3. Operators, Expressions, and Program Flow
- 4. Defining Functions and Using Built-ins
- 5. Input and Output
- 6. Object-Oriented Jython
- 7. Exception Handling and Debugging
- 8. Modules and Packages for Code Reuse
1. Language and Syntax
II. Using the Language
- 9. Scripting With Jython
10. Jython and Java Integration
- 10.1. Using Java Within Jython Applications
10.2. Using Jython Within Java Applications
10.2.1. Object Factories
- One-to-One Jython Object Factories
- Summary of One-to-One Object Factory
- Making Use of a Loosely Coupled Object Factory
- More Efficient Version of Loosely Coupled Object Factory
- Returning __doc__ Strings
- Applying the Design to Different Object Types
- 10.2.2. JSR-223
- 10.2.3. Utilizing PythonInterpreter
10.2.1. Object Factories
- 10.3. Summary
11. Using Jython in an IDE
11.1. Eclipse
- 11.1.1. Installing PyDev
- 11.1.2. Minimal Configuration
- 11.1.3. Hello PyDev!: Creating Projects and Executing Modules
- 11.1.4. Passing Command-line Arguments and Customizing Execution
- 11.1.5. Playing with the Editor
- 11.1.6. A Bit of Structure: Packages, Modules, and Navigation
- 11.1.7. Testing
- 11.1.8. Adding Java Libraries to the Project
- 11.2. Debugging
- 11.3. Netbeans
- 11.4. IDE Installation and Configuration
- 11.5. Advanced Python Options
- 11.6. General Python Usage
- 11.7. Standalone Jython Apps
- 11.8. Jython and Java Integrated Apps
- 11.9. The Netbeans Python Debugger
- 11.10. Other Netbeans Python Features
- 11.11. Summary
11.1. Eclipse
12. Databases and Jython: Object Relational Mapping and Using JDBC
- 12.1. ZxJDBC—Using Python's DB API via JDBC
- 12.2. Object Relational Mapping
- 12.3. Summary
III. Developing Applications with Jython
- 13. Simple Web Applications
- 14. Web Applications With Django
15. Introduction to Pylons
- 15.1. A Guide for the Impatient
- 15.2. A Note about Paste
- 15.3. Pylons MVC
- 15.4. An Interlude into Java's Memory Model
- 15.5. Invoking the Pylons Shell
- 15.6. Context Variables and Application Globals
- 15.7. Routes
- 15.8. Controllers and Templates
- 15.9. Adding a JSON API
- 15.10. Unit Testing, Functional Testing, and Logging
- 15.11. Deployment into a Servlet Container
- 15.12. Summary
- 16. GUI Applications
- 17. Deployment Targets
IV. Strategy and Technique
- 18. Testing and Continuous Integration
- 19. Concurrency
- A. Using Other Tools with Jython
B. Jython Cookbook
- B.1. Logging
- B.2. Working with Spreadsheets
- B.3. Jython and XML
- B.4. Working with CLASSPATH
B.5. Ant
B.5.1. Writing Ant Tasks with Jython, Ed Takema
- B.5.1.1. Writing Custom Ant Tasks
- B.5.1.2. Setup Development Environment
- B.5.1.3. SimpleTask Jython Class
- B.5.1.4. Compiling Jython Code to a Jar
- B.5.1.5. Build.XML File to Use the Task
- B.5.1.6. A Task Container Task
- B.5.1.7. Build.XML File to Use the TaskContainer
- B.5.1.8. Things to Look Out For
- B.5.1.9. Summary
B.5.1. Writing Ant Tasks with Jython, Ed Takema
- B.6. Developing Django Web Apps
C. Built-in Functions
C.1. Constructor Functions
- C.1.1. bool([x])
- C.1.2. chr(i)
- C.1.3. complex([real[, imag]])
- C.1.4. dict([arg])
- C.1.5. file(filename[, mode[, bufsize]])
- C.1.6. float([x])
- C.1.7. frozenset([iterable])
- C.1.8. int([x[, radix]])
- C.1.9. iter(o[, sentinel])
- C.1.10. list([iterable])
- C.1.11. object()
- C.1.12. open(filename[, mode[, bufsize]])
- C.1.13. range([start,] stop[, step])
- C.1.14. set([iterable])
- C.1.15. slice([start,] stop[, step])
- C.1.16. str([object])
- C.1.17. tuple([iterable])
- C.1.18. type(name, bases, dict)
- C.1.19. unichr(i)
- C.1.20. unicode([object[, encoding [, errors]]])
- C.1.21. xrange([start,] stop[, step])
- C.2. Math Built-in Functions
C.3. Functions on Iterables
- C.3.1. all(iterable)
- C.3.2. any(iterable)
- C.3.3. enumerate(sequence[, start=0])
- C.3.4. filter(function, iterable)
- C.3.5. map(function, iterable, ...)
- C.3.6. max(iterable[, key])or max([, arg, ...][, key])
- C.3.7. min(iterable[, key]) or min([, arg, ...][, key])
- C.3.8. reduce(function, iterable[, initializer])
- C.3.9. reversed(seq)
- C.3.10. sorted(iterable[, cmp[, key[, reverse]]])
- C.3.11. sum(iterable[, start=0])
- C.3.12. zip([iterable, ...])
- C.4. Conversion Functions
- C.5. Functions for Working with Code
- C.6. Input Functions
C.7. Functions for Working with Modules and Objects
- C.7.1. callable(object)
- C.7.2. delattr(object, name)
- C.7.3. dir([object])
- C.7.4. getattr(object, name[, default])
- C.7.5. globals()
- C.7.6. hasattr(object, name)
- C.7.7. hash(object)
- C.7.8. help([object])
- C.7.9. id(object)
- C.7.10. isinstance(object, classinfo)
- C.7.11. issubclass(class, classinfo)
- C.7.12. len(s)
- C.7.13. locals()
- C.7.14. reload(module)
- C.7.15. repr(object)
- C.7.16. setattr(object, name, value)
- C.7.17. type(object)
- C.7.18. vars([object])
- C.7.19. __import__(name[, globals[, locals[, fromlist[, level]]]])
C.1. Constructor Functions
Product information
- Title: The Definitive Guide to Jython: Python for the Java™ Platform
- Author(s):
- Release date: March 2010
- Publisher(s): Apress
- ISBN: 9781430225270
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