CHAPTER13Star Schema Designs for Human Resources

As in the previous chapter, the design of another proposed departmental data warehouse will be discussed. The EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) Compliance Division of the Human Resources Department of ABC Corporation has been hearing how happy the eastern regional sales manager is with the data mart produced for that group. The division has heard that the data mart has drastically reduced the time and energy required to get reports on strategically important data and that with some appropriate DSS tools, it is fairly easy to analyze trends effectively.

Not wanting to be behind the times and having a real need, the EEOC division manager asks the IS department for assistance in producing a small data warehouse for the division. Elated that the data mart concept is catching on, the IS manager is more than willing to assign some people to the task. After a series of interviews, the IS team determines what questions the EEOC team is most interested in answering and develops a couple of star schemas for the data marts to specifically address those questions. This chapter will examine the structure for these data marts.

As stated before, the purpose of the models in this chapter is to provide examples that demonstrate the concepts of building a departmental data warehouse. This model may be tailored to fit a specific enterprise's needs; however, it should be understood that the design of this departmental data warehouse is ...

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