The Complete Full-Stack JavaScript Course

Video description

If you would like to master JavaScript and get a job as a full-stack web developer, start with this course. You’ll learn full-stack JavaScript development with over 24 hours of HD video tutorials covering ReactJS, NodeJS, LoopbackJS, Redux, Material-UI, and socket programming. And you’ll learn these by putting them to work on three hands-on coding projects. A working knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript will be helpful when taking this course.

You’ll work on three coding projects:

  • Calculator ApplicationBuilding this app will teach you the basics of React, how to create components, and how to work within the React life cycle.

  • WeblogYou’ll use React and LoopbackJS to build a feature-rich blog app. We begin to explore the full-stack elements of JavaScript by coding our own REST API, and see how the front end and back end can communicate with each other.

  • Chat Application With a WebSocket you can keep clients connected on the server side. We will explore socket programming building a chat app where you can create a user account, add other users, and then message back and forth with them.

Distributed by Manning Publications

This course was created independently by Joseph Delgadillo and is distributed by Manning through our exclusive liveVideo platform.

About the Technology

About the Video

What's Inside
  • Full-stack JavaScript
  • ReactJS
  • NodeJS
  • Rest API with LoopbackJS
  • Redux
  • Material-UI
  • Socket Programming
  • API Development

About the Reader
Basic understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript

About the Author

Joseph Delgadillo is the founder of JTD Courses, an education technology company. He has been active in the online learning industry since 2015 and has worked with several prominent companies. As of 2023, over 1 million students across the globe have enrolled in his courses covering network security, Python programming, web development, and more.


Table of contents

  1. Introduction and Setup
    1. Welcome to the course!
    2. Environment setup
    3. Anatomy of a React project
  2. Getting Started with ReactJS
    1. Writing a React component
    2. React life-cycle
    3. The React state
    4. Understanding component props and re-rendering
    5. Importing CSS into React components
    6. Coding a calculator - Part 1
    7. Coding a calculator - Part 2
  3. Building a ReactJS Website
    1. React website setup
    2. Component children
    3. React routing
    4. Route parameters and HTML slicing - Part 1
    5. Route parameters and HTML slicing - Part 2
    6. Services and portfolio pages - Part 1
    7. Services and portfolio pages - Part 2
    8. Working with forms in React - Part 1
    9. Working with forms in React - Part 2
    10. Using Formik
    11. Yup form validation schemas
  4. Rest API with LoopbackJS
    1. Setup of REST API using LoopbackJS
    2. Creating models
    3. Model observers
    4. Model relations
    5. ESLINT
    6. Subclassing access tokens
    7. Persisting data using MongoDB
    8. Creating data
    9. Updating data
    10. Finding model instances - Part 1
    11. Finding model instances - Part 2
    12. Deleting model instances
    13. Creating post collection
    14. Roles and rolemapping
    15. Applying access control to our post model
    16. Adding an editor role
    17. Creating a category model
    18. File storage and collection - Part 1
    19. File storage and collection - Part 2
    20. Custom remote methods and file uploads - Part 1
    21. Custom remote methods and file uploads - Part 2
    22. Creating login route
    23. Adding a login form
  5. Redux and Material-UI
    1. Wrapping components
    2. Dispatching actions
    3. Creating a store and reducer
    4. Integrating remote API calls
    5. Applying middleware
    6. Material-UI intro
    7. Drawer and CSS
    8. Drawer collapsing and animations
    9. Icons, lists and links
    10. Main content class
    11. Persisting reducers using localStorage
    12. Basic tables
    13. Fetching posts and users from our API
    14. Fab buttons
    15. Setting up Redux, Material-UI and Formik for our add post page
    16. Material-UI forms with Formik
    17. Flex display and connecting our post form to our database via Redux - Part 1
    18. Flex display and connecting our post form to our database via Redux - Part 2
    19. Editing existing posts
    20. Uploading post images - Part 1
    21. Uploading post images - Part 2
    22. Integrating Quill as a content editor
    23. Loading posts on the front-end - Part 1
    24. Loading posts on the front-end - Part 2
    25. Loading more posts on demand
    26. Single post page
    27. Registering new accounts
    28. Posting comments and adding relations and ACLs to our API - Part 1
    29. Posting comments and adding relations and ACLs to our API - Part 2
    30. Deploying React apps with NGINX
    31. Deploying our API using PM2 and NGINX - Part 1
    32. Deploying our API using PM2 and NGINX - Part 2
    33. Deploying our API using PM2 and NGINX - Part 3
  6. WebSocket Chat Application
    1. Creating a chat app
    2. Creating our chat store
    3. WebSocket connections
    4. Sending socket messages
    5. Creating signup and login forms
    6. Writing account based logic - Part 1
    7. Writing account based logic - Part 2
    8. Using auth tokens
    9. Styling the messenger
    10. Tracking logged in users
    11. Search functionality
    12. Creating new threads and sending to relevant clients
    13. Connecting on page load if already logged in
    14. Get threads on page load
    15. Disconnecting socket sessions
    16. Adding messages and sending to relevant clients
    17. Rendering messages client-side
    18. Rendering messages with user information
    19. Ejecting a React application

Product information

  • Title: The Complete Full-Stack JavaScript Course
  • Author(s): Joseph Delgadillo
  • Release date: May 2023
  • Publisher(s): Manning Publications
  • ISBN: 10000DIVC202327